Consisting of closely apposed cells without intervening intercellular substances.
Epithelia are avascular (no source of blood), but all epithelia "grow" on an underlying layer of vascular connective tissue.
The connective tissue and the epithelium are separated by a basementmembrane.
The two layers of basement
membrane are
lamina fibroreticularis
the internal surfaces of blood and lymph vessels are lined by epithelium.
it is where epithelium lines the blood vessels and lymph
considered as simple squamous
Mesothelium it is where the epithelium lines the large internal
Simple Squamous Epithelium
This type is composed of a single layer of flattened, scale- or plate-like cells. It is quite common in the body.
Present in sites of Exchange as Nephrons & Lungs.
The nuclei of the epithelial cells are often flattened or ovoid, i.e. egg-shaped, and they are located close to the center of the cells.
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Nuclei are round and centrally located.
occurs in the small excretory ducts of many glands, the tubules of the kidney and on the surface of the ovaries
Example: major salivary glands
Simple Columnar Epithelium - The cells forming a simple
columnar epithelium are taller than
they are wide. usually located at
the same height within the cells -
often close to the base of the cells
and are oval.
simple columnar epithelium lines the internal surface of the
gastrointestinal tract (GIT) from the cardiac of the stomach to the rectum
Ciliated simple columnar
epithelium lines the bronchi, uterus
and oviducts.
Cilia are specialized for transport
of fluid or mucus.
Cilia has a protective role. It is a
surface modification in apical
Microvilli - is also a surface modification found in apical surface
Shorter and finer than cilia, it is not visible in compound microscope
Also called as brush border
and are not considered as
Increase surface area
The small intestines are lined by a simple columnar epithelium.
Glycoproteins and glycolipids projects from the surface of microvilli.
NERVOUS SYSTEM - Master control and communication
Three Overlapping Functions of the
Nervous System
Processes and interprets
Dictates a response by activating effector organs
Basic Divisions of the Nervous System
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Components: Brain and Spinal cord
Integrating and Command center
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Components: Nerves and Ganglia
Outside the CNS
Nerves extending from brain and spinal cord
Link all regions of the body to the CNS
SENSORY INPUT AND MOTOR OUTPUT - Divided according to region they
serve, divided into two functional division:
Somatic body region
Visceral body region (Autonomic Nervous System)
four main subdivisions
Somatic sensory
Visceral sensory
somatic motor
visceral motor
SomaticSensory - General somatic senses receptors are widely spread
Afferent Division, Found in skin
Touch, pain, vibration, pressure, and temperature
Proprioceptive senses – detect stretch in tendons and muscle
Body sense – position and movement of body in space
Special somatic senses: Hearing, balance, vision, and smell
Visceral sensory - Widely felt in digestive, urinary
tracts, and reproductive organs
(receptors), Can be considered under somatic
General visceral senses
stretch, pain, temperature, nausea, and hunger
Digestive: abdominal pain and cramps
Urinary tract: painful urination (pyuria) and burning sensation
Reproductive organs: cramps and abdominal pain during menstruation
Special visceral senses
Somatic motor - Regulation and control of
contracting muscle
Often called “voluntary nervous
signals contraction of skeletal muscles
Under voluntary control
Efferent Division
Visceral Motor
Often called “involuntary nervous system”
Regulates the contraction of smooth and cardiac muscle and gland secretion
Makes up autonomic nervous system
Controls function of visceral organs
NERVOUS TISSUE - Cells are densely packed and
intertwined. Two main cell types:
Neurons (principal cells)
Neuroglial cells
Transmit electrical signals
Response to stimulus or transmit impulses through irritability and conductivity functions
Neuroglial cells
Supporting cells
Surround and wrap neurons
Neurons - Basic structural unit of the nervous system, Specialized cells conduct electrical impulses along the plasma membrane
Special Characteristics of a Neuron
Longevity – can live and function for a lifetime
Do not divide – fetal neurons lose their ability to undergo mitosis; neural stem cells are an exception
High metabolic rate – require abundant oxygen and glucose
Soma/Perikaryon - also known as the cell body
size varies from 5–140μm
Contains nucleus, organelles plus other structures
Chromatophilic bodies - Most distinctive chromatophilic bodies: Nissl bodies are cytoskeleton granular masses and is a part of a well developed rough ER. It is responsible for the protein synthesis along with the Golgi bodies
Nissl bodies also synthesize the protein component of the neurotransmitters which are the chemicals used to communicate with other cells
Clusters of rough ER and free ribosomes
Stain darkly and renew membranes of the cell
Neurofibrils - bundles of intermediate filaments
Form a network between chromatophilic bodies
Internal support for neurons It is the cytoskeleton of the neuron
Strengthens the synapses (point of contact between neurons)
Fix the diameter between dendrites and axons
3 types of Neurofibrils:
Ganglia - clusters of cell bodies in PNS,
Nucleus/ nuclei part of
ganglia in CNS
Processes- Cytoplasmic Extensions
Dendrites - carry impulses towards the CNS
Extensively branching from the cell body
Transmit electrical signals (graded potentials) toward the cell body
Chromatophilic bodies – only extend into the basal part of dendrites
Function as receptive sites
Neuron has only one axon, but it can branch
Impulse generator and conductor
Transmits action potentials away from the cell body
No protein synthesis in axon because there is no nissl bodies present
Branches along length are infrequent
Outer covering is called neurilemmalsheath, while the inner covering is called the myelinsheath
Form branches in axon terminal called telodendria
it consists of collateral branches found at points of discontinuity in nodes of Ranvier
Undergo axonal transport which is the movement of substances along the length of axon
Anterograde - a type of axonal transport and the movement of substance is from cell body towards the axon (most common axonal transport)
Retrograde - another type of axonal transport and the movement of substance is from axon towards the cell body