Yellow-orange - administration of phenazopyridine (pyridium) or azogantrisin compounds to persons with urinary tract infections
Red – presence of blood
Brown Urine containing Blood – glomerular bleeding
Brown or black – melanin or homogentisic acid, levodopa, methyldopa, phenol derivatives, and metronidazole (Flagyl)
Blue / Green – bacterial infections, including urinary tract infection by Pseudomonas species and intestinal tract infections resulting in increased urinary indican
Clear - No visible particulates, transparent
Hazy - few particulates, print easily seen through urine
Cloudy - many particulates, print blurres through urine
Reagent strip - A color-producing chemical reaction takes place when the absorbent pad comes in contact with urine
pH - Aid in determining the existence of systemic acid-base disorders of metabolic or respiratory origin
PROTEIN - Most indicative of renal disease
Normal urine - <10 mg/dL or 100 mg per 24 hrs
Clinical proteinuria - > 30 mg/dL (300 mg/L)
KETONES - Represents three intermediate products of fat
Acetoacetic acid
Beta-hydroxybutyric acid
• Shows a deficiency in insulin, indicating the need to regulate dosage
• It is often an early indicator of insufficient insulin dosage in type 1 diabetes and in patients with diabetes who experience medical problems in addition to diabetes
BLOOD - May be present in the urine either in the form of intact red blood cells (hematuria) or as the product of blood cell destruction, hemoglobin
• An early indication of liver disease
• Often detected long before the development of jaundice
UROBILINOGEN - Circulates in the blood en route to the liver, it passes through the kidney and is filtered by the glomerulus
• Provides a rapid screening test for the presence of urinary tract infection (UTI)
• Valuable for detecting initial bladder infection (cystitis)
LEUKOCYTE ESTERASE - More standardized means for the detection of leukocytes
• Measures only ionic solutes
• Eliminating the interference by the large organic molecules, such as urea and glucose, and by radiographic contrast media and plasma expanders that are included in physical measurements of specific gravity
Bilirubin and Glucose – 30 seconds after dipping in the urine