bowlbys theory is that infants are born with innate tendencies to form attachments in order to increase chances of survival
what are adaptive behaviours?
rooting, crying, crawling, grabbing things, body temperature
attachments are adaptive because they ensure the survival of child
babies have social releases which unlock and innate tendency for adults to care for them
what are the two types of social releasers?
physical and behavioural
what is the critical period?
when babies have to form an attachment with their caregiver between birth and 2 1/5 years old
what happens if the baby doesn't form an attachment in the critical period?
the child would be socially, interlectually and physically damaged
monotropy is when the infant forms one special attachment with their mothers
with monotropy it is believed that the particular attachment is different and more important than any other attachments
what are the two principles that clarify monotrophy?
law of continuity and law of accumulated separation
the internal working model is a mental representation of their relationship with their primary attachment figure and the childs future relationships will be based on their early attachment in relationships