strength is that they used a controlled observation which means that the study is standardised. therefore, it shows that the study can be easily replicated to examine the reliability
a weakness is that the experiment was overt for the mothers and they may later their behaviour which increases the chances of demand characteristics. This could influence the childrens responses and effect the validity of the findings
a weakness is that observation is stressful for the children and they may not have been protected from psychological harm as they were deliberately put in a stressful situation so they could examine their response to separation and strangers
a strength is that Ijzendoorn and kroonenberg did a meta analysis of 32 variations of the strange situation
what country had the lowest rate of secure attachments?
China (50%)
what countries had higher resistant than avoidant?
Japan and Israel
the meta anaylsis showed that different countries have different ways of parenting which can allow different attachment styles