Cards (5)

  • what behaviours do babies show when they are separated from the caregiver?
    protest, dispair, detachment
  • what is institutionalisation?

    refers to the effects of growing up in an orphanage or childrens home and these children usually suffer with a lack of emotional care
  • what are the effects of institutionalisation?
    disinhibited attachment and interllectual disability
  • disinhibited attachment is when children are equally friendly to strangers and family. Rutter explained this as an adaptation to living with multiple care-givers during the sensitive period an critical period
  • interllectual disability is shown in rutters study as most children showed a sign of this when they arrived in Britain. The children that were adopted before they were 6 months old caught up with the control group by they were 4. shows that the interllectual effects can be recovered provided adoption takes place before the age of 6 months