anger management

Cards (16)

  • What is anger management ?
    Prisons are ‘anger factories‘ due to their climate
    • this encourages irrational thoughts + biases
  • What are the 3 aims for anger management programmes ?
    1. Cognitive reconstructing
    2. regulation of arousal
    3. behavioural strategies
  • What is cognitive reconstructing ?
    greater self awareness and control over cognition
  • Regulation of arousal
    Controlling physiological state
  • Behavioural strategies ?
    Problem solving, strategic withdrawal and assertiveness
  • What is a common rehabilitation programme. ?
    • reduced emotional responses by challenging cognitive distortions and reframing anger
  • What are the two aims of cbt ?
    1. Reduce anger and aggression in prisons (short term)
    2. reduce recidivism upon release (long term)
  • How does CBt work ?
    • aims to change the way a person handle danger, it’s not possible to change the situation but it is for your thoughts + behaviour
    • manage anger by identifying triggers, develop techniques to resolve without violence and challenge reinforcement
    • used in custodial sentencing as part of probation programme
    • conducted in small groups with around 10 sessions
  • What is anger management based on ?
    Stress inoculation approach
    3 steps :
    1. Cognitive preparation
    2. skill acquisition
    3. application training
  • Cognitive preparation
    Learning about anger, analysing their own patterns, identify triggers and reframing bias situations as aggressive
  • Skill acquisition
    Learning skills to help manage anger e.g relaxation
  • Application training ?
    Applying the skills in the controlled and non-controlled role plays that previously made them angry
    • receive feedback
  • What evidence is there from Ireland ?
    Assesses the effectiveness of 87 male young offenders
    • self report questionnaire provided a baseline of anger combined with prison officer reports
    • 50 took part in the treatment
    • found 92% reduction in anger levels but no change in the control group
  • Evaluation ?
    1. research support
    2. programmes are voluntary
    3. difficult to research
  • Voluntary ?

    CBT + anger management are voluntary
    • some offenders may not want to reflect or change their behaviour
    • leads to drop outs which can be addressed by assessing offender readiness before they start the programme
  • Difficult to research ?
    time frames are varied(days to years)
    • courses are not always run by professionals (prison staff)
    • offenders have varied crimes and backgrounds
    • self report Measures are biased and offenders may portray themselves as better to benefit the researcher