
    Cards (21)

    • Statistical infrequency = Occurs when an individual has a less common characteristic (e.g. being more depressed or less intelligent than most of the population)
    • deviation from social norms =concerns behaviour that is different from the accepted standards of behaviour in a community or society
    • Failure to function adequately = when someone is unable to cope with ordinary demands of day-to-day living
    • Deviation from ideal mental health - Marie Jahoda’s (1958):
      • we have no symptoms or distress
      • we can cope with stress
      • we are rational
      • we can self-actualize
      • we have realistic views of the world
      • good self esteem & lack of guilt
      • independent of other people
      • successfully work, love, enjoy leisure
    • Example of statistical infrequency:
      • Average UK IQ is set at 100
      • Using normal distribution normal range is 85 - 115
      • Only 2% of people have an IQ below 70
      • This would lead to diagnosis of intellectual disability disorder (IDD)
    • Social norms vary between generations and cultures
    • Deviation from social norms example:
      • Antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy)
      • Symptoms suggest that there is failure to conform to lawful and culturally ethical behaviour
    • Statistical Infrequency Evaluation 1:
      Strength - useful in clinical practice for diagnosis and to assess the severity of symptoms - IQ Example
    • Statistical Infrequency Evaluation 2:
      Weakness - unusual characteristics can be positive as well as negative - having an abnormally high IQ can be positive but according to statistical infrequency it is a negative
    • Statistical Infrequency Evaluation 3:
      Strength - some 'abnormal' people may benefit from being classed as abnormal - low IQ can lead to a diagnosis that can help them in everyday life
    • Deviation from social norms Evaluation 1:
      Strength - useful in clinical practice - can help diagnose antisocial personality diagnosis - help to improve lives of people suffering with those disorders
    • Deviation from social norms Evaluation 2:
      Weakness - social norms vary between cultures - someone from another group may class someone as abnormal using their standards
      • difficult to judge deviation from social norms across different situations and cultures
    • Someone is failing to function when the cannot hold down a job or maintain relationships with people around them
    • Example of failure to function adequately:
      An individual must also be failing to function adequately before they are diagnosed with disorders such as intellectual disability disorder
    • Deviation from ideal mental health = When someone does not meet a set of criteria for good mental health
    • Failure to function adequately Evaluation 1:
      Strength - represents a sensible threshold for when people need professional help - means that treatment and services can be targeted to those who need it most
    • Failure to function adequately Evaluation 2:
      Weakness - labels non-standard lifestyle choices as abnormal when the person may have chosen to live that lifestyle - restricts peoples freedom of choice
    • Deviation from ideal mental health evaluation 1:
      Strength - highly comprehensive - a checklist that can be applied to everyone and is easy to access - helps psychologists universally agree
    • Deviation from ideal mental health evaluation 2:
      Weakness - aren't easy applicable across all cultures - difficult to apply to everyone in society
    • Deviation from ideal mental health evaluation 3:
      Weakness - Jahoda's criteria are very high standards and its hard for everyone to achieve all of them at the same time
    • When is someone failing to function adequately:
      • no longer conforming to standard interpersonal rules (personal space)
      • when a person experiences severe personal distress
      • when a persons behaviour becomes dangerous or irrational
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