gender bias

Cards (6)

  • alpha bias
    • alpha bias - exaggerates or overestimates differences between the sexes
    • are presented as real and enduring
    • more likely to devalue females in relation to their male counterparts
    • e.g sociobiological theory - explains human sexual attraction by survival efficiency where males interest to impregnate as many women as possible to pass his genes on
    • says that sexual promiscuity is males is genetically determined
  • beta bias
    • ignores or minimises differences between the sexes
    • occurs when females ps are not included in research but findings are assumed to both sexes
    • e.g flight or flight response was only studied on males but assumed to females aswell
  • androcentrism
    • consequence of beta bias
    • understanding of normal behaviour comes from male-focused research and anything that deviates from this is seen as unusual
    • female behaviour is misunderstood
  • weakness
    • creates misleading assumptions about female behaviour
    • fails to challenge negative stereotypes and validates discriminatory views
    • becomes normal for women to feel abnormal
    • has damaging consequences
    • women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression than men
  • weakness
    • lack of women at senior research roles so female concerns are not reflected in research questions asked
    • males are more likely to have their work published
    • lab experiments also place female ps in an inequitable relationship with male researchers who has to power to label them unreasonable
    • institutional sexism
  • strength
    • reflexivity
    • starting to embrace the bias as a critical aspect of the research process
    • important development as may lead to greater awareness of gender bias