nature-nurture debate

Cards (7)

  • nurture
    • environmental influences in psychology is broad
    • is different levels e.g pre-natal or post-natal experiences
  • heredity and environment
    • environmental influence begins as soon as born
    • little sense to separate nature and nurture as so intertwined
    • twin studies may be due to genetics or similar upbringing
  • interactionist approach
    • innate temperament influences the way it is responded to
    • two way system
    • responses affect childs behaviour
  • epigenetics
    • change in our genetic activity without changing out genetic code
    • caused by interaction with environment
    • e.g diet, smoking, war leave epigenetic marks on our dna which tell our bodies which genes to ignore
    • influences genetic codes of our children
  • weakness
    • nativism has led to controversies with race, genetics and intelligence
    • empiricists suggest any behaviour can be shaped by altering environmental conditions
    • desirable behaviours reinforced leading to a model that controls people
  • weakness/strength
    • siblings raised in the same family may have not have had the same upbringing
    • this is shared and unshared environments
    • parental divorce may have different affects depending on child age
    • explains why mz twins dont have perfect concordance
  • strength/weakness
    • constructivism = elaborates the notion that genes and environment interact
    • people create their own nurture by selecting environments appropriate for their nature
    • naturally aggressive child will feel more comfortable around similar children
    • niche-picking