
Cards (15)

  • Baillargeon?
    nativist approach- babies born with an innate knowledge of the physical world. babies difficulty with Piaget's task is to do with lack of physical motor skill or easily distracted
  • object permeance?
    humans are born with Physical reasoning system (PRS) born with a basic understanding of the physical world becomes more sophisticated via experience.
  • Object persistence?
    idea an object remains in existence and doesn't spontaneously alter in structure. suggest Piaget's underestimated children abilities.
  • Violation of expectation?
    infant sees 2 test events unexpected event and expected event.
  • Bailiarfeon and Graber?
    showed 24 infants aged 5-6 months a tall and short rabbit pass behind a screen with a window. possible- the tall rabbit is seen. impossible-short rabbit isnt seen.
  • Baillargeon and Graber - Findings?
    infants looked for an average 33.07 secs at impossible event. 25.11 secs at impossible. infants surprised by impossible event
  • Knowledge of Physical world?
    young infant anticipate people actions by considering what they are thinking.
  • Song and Bailiargeon?
    shown a women repeatedly choosing a toy doll over skunk. when women no looking, 2 toys were placed in separate boxes. the infant know where the doll is. 14.5 months showed surprise if women went to the right box. thought she would chose wrong box with pigtails sticking out.
  • containment?

    when object not seen placed in container is still there when container is opened
  • Support?

    object should fall when unsupported
  • population validity?
    good population validity- compared to piaget who used middle class children. instead Baillargeon used a less biased sample.
  • controlled?
    controlled potential effect of parents on children behaviour by asking all parents to close their eye so no parent child interactions.
  • Smith 1999?
    questioned internal validity of research and whether it actually measures surprise at the violation of expectation, it could be that the infant finds the impossible event more interesting.
  • Spelke?

    believes infants are already born with substanial knowledge about objects.
  • Cultural?

    lacks cultural validity did not specific research capabilities of infant with different cultural backgrounds