Cards (6)

  • a strength is that it recognises the importance of cognitive factors in learning as neither classical or operant conditioning can offer a proper explaination of learning on its own. This suggests that SLT provides a more comprehensive explaination of human learning by recognizing the role of meditational process
  • a weakness is that there is a criticism for the lack of reference to the influence of biological factors. He thought it was more influenced by environment and it could have been due to mirror neurons which suggests that biological factors are more influential than people thought
  • a strength is that evidence was done in a lab study this means that there is a high control and the method is standardised therefore it has a high internal validity
  • a weakness of using a lab setting is that it can lead to demand characteristics. The main function of a bobo doll is they are to be pushed around. This suggests that research may tell us little about how children actually learn aggression in everyday life
  • a strength is that the SLT principle has been applied to a range of real world behaviours. It can be used to explain culture differences in behaviour. This has proven useful in understanding a range of behaviours such as how children come to understand behaviour
  • a weakness is that there is reciprocal determinism. People are not passive recipients of rienforcement but active influences of their own environment. People shape their own aggressive behaviour by selecting and creating their surroundings. Links to SLT by showing how personal factors might impact your behaviour as well as observational learning