123 male american undergraduates in groups of 6 (consisting of 1 true participant and 5 confederates)
what was Asch's procedure?
pps and confederates were presented with 4 lines; 1 control
they stated which of the 3 lines was the same length as the control
the real pp always answered last or second to last
confederates would give the same incorrect answer for 12/18
Asch observed how often the pp would conform versus the correct answer
what did Asch find from his study?
36.8% conformed
25% never conformed
75% conformed at least once
in the control group, 1% of responses given by participants were incorrect (eliminates eyesight/perception as an extraneous variable - increasing validity)
what are factors affecting conformity?
group size, unanimity of majority, task difficulty
what is group size?
pps are more likely to conform in a larger group
how does unanimity affect conformity?
pps are more likely to conform when the group is unanimous
how does task difficulty affect conformity?
pps are more likely to conform when the task is difficult
how did group size affect Asch's study?
less than 3 confederates: low conformity, more than 3: conformity +30%
how did unanimity affect Asch's study?
when another participant is there or confederate gave the correct answer: conformity fell 32% - 5.5%
when different answers were given: falls 32% - 9%
how did task difficulty affect Asch's study?
when the lines were more similar: conformity increased
what are some strengths of Asch's study?
high internal validity - strict control over extraneous variables (timing of assessment, task used)