Peptone Water → Incubated at 37°C forms a fine surface pellicle in 6-9 hours
Nutrient Agar → Glistening and translucent colonies, 1-2 mm in diameter after 18-24 hours
Horse Blood Agar → Zones of hemolysis are produced
MacConkey's Agar → Most strains grow well giving non lactose fermenting colonies in 24-36 hours
Desoxycholate citrate Agar (DCA), Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD) & Other enteric Selective Media → Growth is poor
Alkaline Peptone Water → pH 8.6 is useful for preliminary enrichment from feces or other contaminated materials
Thiosulphate Citrate Bile-salt Sucrose Agar (TCBS) → Most widely selective media, gives good growth of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and other Vibrios within 37°C, colonies of sucrose fermenting Vibrios are yellow, colonies of sucrose non-fermenting Vibrios are green, inhibits most enterobacteria and gram-positive bacteria
Monsur's Tellurite Taurocholate Gelatin Agar → Useful for isolation of cholera and other Vibrios from feces, rectal swabs & other contaminated materials, Vibrios at 24 hours show small (1-2 mm) translucent colonies with a grey-black center and a turbid halo, at 48 hours show larger (3-4 mm) colonies with a black center and a well-defined halo
Alkaline Salt Transport Medium → No nutritive fluid, helps maintain viability of Vibrio cholera & other Vibrio species
Taurocholate Peptone Transport and Enrichment Medium → Nutritive selective liquid medium, used either as Transport (holding) medium to maintain the viability of Vibrio cholerae and other Vibrio species or Enrichment medium to promote selective outgrowth of Vibrio cholerae from feces before plating on a selective agar medium
Cary Blair Medium → Stool specimens suspected of containing Vibrio species, should be collected and transported only in this medium
Buffered Glycerol Saline → Not acceptable, because glycerol is toxic for Vibrios