Token economy

Cards (6)

  • What is a token economy?
    - Behaviourist theraputic approach for management of schizophrenia, where tokens are awarded for demonstrations of desired behavioural change.
    - Usually used in hospital settings, for long-term hospitalised patients, to enable them to leave hospital and live relatively independently within tthe community.
  • What symptoms do token economies target?
    - Negative symtpoms, e.g. avolition.
  • What is token economy based on?
    - Skinner's operant conditioning principles.
    - Patients receive tokens immediately after producing a desired behaviour - these include examples of self-care, adherence to medication regime and social interaction.
  • What can the tokens be exchanged for?
    - Goods or privileges.
  • AO3 - Dickerson et al. (2005) - Usefullness of token economy

    - Reviewed 13 studies of token economy - found to be generally useful in increasing the adaptive behaviour of patients - implies it ti be an effective treatment.
    - Worked best in combination with psychosocial and drug therapies - however, specific benefits of the technique when used in combination are unclear - further research is needed.
  • AO3 - Silverstein et al. (2009) - Limitation of token economy

    - Found that schizophrenics living in the community often have trouble performing jobs where they are paid on a long-term basis.
    - Have difficulty in engaging in events to obtain distant rewards, but engage quite readily in situations using token economies, where they are paid hourly or daily.
    - Suggests schizophrenics need to be paid on a short-term basis when in employment.