experiment methods

Cards (19)

  • a laboratory experiment is used to conduct research in a controlled way
  • lab experiments use standardised instructions
  • lab experiments have strong control of variables which means a clear cause and effect can be found
  • an advantage of lab experiments is that a casual relationship can be determined
  • lab experiments have a good control of extraneous variables
  • a disadvantage of lab experiments is that the setting can make participants behaviour unnatural as they could be responding to demand characteristics
  • a field experiment is conducted outside a laboratory
  • in a field experiment the IV is manipulated and the DV is measured
  • an advantage of field experiment is that there is high ecological validity
  • with a field experiment demand characteristics can be avoided
  • a disadvantage of field experiments is that there is less control and extraneous variables are more likely in a natural environment
  • a disadvantage of field experiments is that they are harder to replicate
  • a natural experiment is when you manipulate and measure variables in a lab or field setting
  • a strength of a natural experiment is that they are more likely to be realistic as they happen in a natural environment
  • a limitation of a natural experiment is that they are not as reliable because you cannot directly control the IV
  • in a natural experiment confounding variables are more likely which has a negative effect
  • a quasi-experiment are naturally occurring and can be conducted in lab or field setting
  • a strength of a quasi experiment is that they are ethical as they use people who already have an issue
  • a negative of a quasi experiment is that they are only possible in natural conditions and control is difficult