
Cards (11)

  • Evolutionary Perspective:
    • innate allows us to survive
    • primary caregivers is reliable, will loof after them until they are able to do so by themselves
    • baby will display social releases such as crying, smiling, crawling cooing, clingy = emotional or caring response from primary caregivers
  • monotropy: attachment as a close bond with just ONE attachment figure (usually with their mother)
  • Critical period: (1 - 2.5 years)
    • a lifespan stage during which the individual is more sensitive to environmental influence and normal development relies on theses particular life experiences occuring
    • irreversible consequences
  • sensitive period: optimum line when infants become imprinted by early contact with their mother
  • imprinting: precise and permanent learning that occurs very early on an infant life to form a bond
  • maternal deprivation: (abnormal)
    • refers to the consequences and individual experiences when they are separated from their mother (or mother-subsitute)
    • child and an attachment is unable to develop during the critical period
    • results in long term cognitive, social + emotional difficulties
  • internal working model: a cogntive frameworks comprising mental representations for understanding the world, self and others
  • 3 part of internal working model:
    1. model of others- mother being experienced as trustworthy
    2. model of self- valuable + important to others
    3. model of self + others- if a positive interaction with primary caregiver, they will demonstrate effective interactions with others
  • application to the real-world:
    • how maternal deprivation can impact a child
  • stengths:
    • great influence on other researchers, help improved condition that children were kept in
    • provided strong reasoning for the relationship that adults form, first attachment children form produce the template used for forming relationship through life
    • other reports
  • limitations:
    • bowlby believed mother was main caregiver, but around the world children have multiple attachment figures
    • high quality aftercare means children who didn't develop in critical period can cover
    • doesn't distinguish between deprivation and privation
    • evidence to support that children develop better with mother who are happy in their work than mothers are frustrated at home
    • over simplified