Private members bill: Back bench MPs can make suggestions for laws to go through parliament
Whitehall stage - green paper (interested parties are invited to make comments on government's opinion) or white paper (does not invite comments, states firm proposals)
2. First reading
Bill is read out - notifies that a bill is up for discussion
Set a date for the second reading
3. Second reading
Debate on the bill
Ministers enter a lobby of either yes or no, lobby with the majority win the vote
4. Committee stage
Bill is scrutinised/checked by a group of 16-50 MPs
5. Report stage
Committee report back to the house with proposed changes to the bill
Can be skipped if no changes were made
6. Third reading
Final vote on the final draft of the bill
No changes allowed except for spelling, punctuation and grammar
7. Repeat process
Bill passes through the same stages in the other house
If the bill gets passed back and forth between houses, this can result in a pingpong effect
Bill can still become law even if the House of Lords rejects it as the House of Commons has more power (voted in by society)
8. Royal assent
Monarch's approval of the bill under the Royal Assent Act 1967