independent group design use different participants in each group
an advantage of independent group designs is that no one can get better through practice
a disadvantage of independent group designs is that you have to get more people to participate which might be more difficult
repeated measures design is when they use the same participants in each condition
in repeated measures design compares the performances in each condition knowing the differences were not due to participant variables
an advantage of repeated measures is that a fewer amount of participants are needed
a disadvantage of repeated measures is that there is the order effect which is when the participants repeat the experiment and might improve due to practice
matched pair design is when you use different participants in different conditions and they are matched on important variables
an advantage of match pair is that there is no order effect because there are different people in each condition
a disadvantage of match pairs is that they need twice as many people to participate
a disadvantage of match pairs designs is that there are practicalities such as they are time consuming and difficult to find participants that match