Characteristics of phobias; Behavioural: 1. Avoidance - Considerable effort to avoid coming into contact with the phobic stimulus 2. Freeze - People may freeze and become stuck to the spot when facing their phobia. It is an adaptive response which makes a predator think they are dead Emotional: 1. Fear - Fear that is persistent, excessive and unreasonable to the "threat"" posed. It is the immediate experience when the sufferer encounters or thinks about the phobic stimulus. Fear leads to anxiety 2. Anxiety & panic - Feeling of anxiety or panic, increased heart rate etc. It could lead to behaviours such as crying, screaming or running away from the phobic stimulus. This response is widely disproportionate to the threat posed Cognitive: 1. Selective attention (hypervigilance) - Hard to look away from the phobic stimulus 2. Irrational beliefs - They are aware that their beliefs are irrational"