detectschanges in bloodoxygenation and flow that occurs due to neural activities in specificbrain areas
what happens when a brain area is more active?
consumesmoreoxygen and blood flow is directed towards the activearea
what does fMRI produce?
a 3D image showing which parts of the brain are active and therefore involved in the mentalprocess
What does EEG do?
measures electricalactivity in the brain using a skull cap with electrodes. The scan represents the brainwavepattern. An electrical signal is detected when multipleneurons fire at the same time to the same area
What does an ERP do?
Uses averagingtechniques to filterout the extra activity and just focus on the response to the specificstimulus From the EEG scanning
what are ERPs?
types of brainwave that are triggered by particularevents
What does a post mortem examination do?
dissects and analyses the brain after death, checks for damages to establish the likelycause of a deficit or disorder
What are the strengths of fMRI?
Spatial resolution
non-invasive - don’t harm the person
improvement on earlier techniques with radiation
What are the limitations of fMRI?
Weak temporal resolution
delay in oxygen rates which the fMRI picks up
have to keep completelystill
what are the strengths of EEG?
non invasive
improvement on earliertechniques with radiation
good temporal resolution
can be used whilstmoving-good for children
what are the weaknesses of EEG?
lacks spatial resolution
generalised signal
what are the strengths of ERG?
able to pinpointresponse to specificevent
what are the weaknesses of ERG?
Difficult to average out the irrelevantactivity
different researchers use differentaveragingtechniques
what are the strengths of post mortem examinations?
allows to see brainstructures much more clearly
provided foundation for studying the brain
What are the weaknesses of post mortem examination?
brain damage is rarelyconfined to one specific area, hard to pinpoint the connections between damage and symptoms
what is spatial awareness?
Refers to precision of measurement with respect to space. High means that imagingmethod can detect exactlywhere the brain activityoccurred