Need for Delegated Legislation

Cards (4)

  • Time
    • Parliament does not have enough time to create laws on uncontroversial issues so this allows other bodies to make laws
    • Enables Parliament to focus time on more important laws, rather than create thousands of new laws
  • Technical expertise and knowledge
    • Often involved areas that are highly technical or relate to a local area
    • MPs don't have relevant knowledge, so experts in particular area can deal with the issue rather than being unsure of what to do
  • Flexibility
    • Statutory instruments can be quickly made as the whole law making process is not necessary
    • Delegated legislation can be cancelled out if process is no longer needed
  • Future needs
    • Can be brought into force quickly
    • Passed quickly because sometimes Parliament cannot sit (summer recess or times of war)
    • Amended or repealed quickly, which upholds rule of law