Brain Atrophy: This includes significantshrinkage in key brain regions such as the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, which are critical for cognitive functions like memory and reasoning.
VentricularEnlargement: The lateral and third ventricles are notablyenlarged due to the loss of surrounding brain tissue, a phenomenon known as hydrocephalus ex vacuo.
Ultrastructural Features of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology.
Amyloid Plaques: Composed of amyloid-betapeptideaggregates, these plaques are found extracellularly and disruptneuron-to-neuroncommunication.
Ultrastructural Features of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology.
Neurofibrillary Tangles: These are composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein found within neurons, disrupting intracellular transport and leading to celldeath.
Ultrastructural Features of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology.
Neuronal Loss: Particularly significant in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, leading to the characteristicmemory loss seen in Alzheimer's disease.
Ultrastructural Features of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology.
Gliosis: An increase in glial cells, mainly astrocytes and microglia, which attempt to clean up the debris from dead neurons but also contribute to inflammation.
Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
InitiatingEvent: The abnormal cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta-secretase and gamma-secretaseenzymes, leading to the production of amyloid-betapeptides.
Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Plaque Formation: These amyloid-beta peptides aggregate into insoluble plaques that accumulateoutside neurons.
Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Downstream Effects: The presence of amyloid plaques triggers a series of events, including:
Tau Hyperphosphorylation: Leads to the formation of neurofibrillarytangles.
Inflammation: Activated microglia and astrocytesreleaseinflammatorycytokines.
Neuronal Death: Cumulative damage leads to progressiveneuronalloss.
AmyloidCascadeHypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Outcome: These events culminate in the cognitive declinecharacteristic of Alzheimer’s disease.
Tau Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Primary Event: Tau protein becomes abnormallyphosphorylated due to variouskinaseactivities.
Tau Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Tangle Formation:Hyperphosphorylated tau proteins lose their ability to stabilizemicrotubules and instead formpaired helical filaments, which aggregate into neurofibrillary tangles inside neurons.
Tau Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Propagation:Misfolded tau can spread from cell to cell, promotingtangle formation throughout the brain.
Tau Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Disruption: These tangles disrupt normal cellular functions such as axonaltransport, leading to cell death.
TauHypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Primary Event
Tangle Formation
Key Issues Associated with Ageing of the Brain.
Cognitive Decline
Vascular Changes
White Matter Changes
Key Issues Associated with Ageing of the Brain
Cognitive Decline:
Reduced processing speed, memory impairment, and decreasedexecutive function.
Key Issues Associated with Ageing of the Brain
Increased prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Key Issues Associated with Ageing of the Brain
Vascular Changes:
Reducedcerebral blood flow and increased risk of smallvessel disease and strokes.
Key Issues Associated with Ageing of the Brain
Chronic low-grade inflammation, often referred to as "inflammaging," which can contribute to cognitivedecline and neurodegeneration.
Key Issues Associated with Ageing of the Brain
White Matter Changes:
Loss of white matter integrity, affecting the speed and efficiency of neural communication.
Main Aetiological Features of Bacterial Meningitis.
Causative Agents: Bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseriameningitidis, and Haemophilusinfluenzae.
Transmission: Bacteriainvade the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier, infecting the meninges.
Main Pathological Features of Bacterial Meningitis.
Inflammation: Intense inflammatoryresponse in the meninges.
Exudate: Accumulation of purulent exudate in the subarachnoid space.
Vascular Complications: Blood vesselinflammation can lead to thrombosis, infarction, and cerebral edema.
Primary Brain Injury:
Definition: Immediate and directdamage to brain tissue at the moment of impact or insult.
Examples: Skull fractures, cerebral contusions, intracerebralhemorrhages, and diffuse axonal injury.
Secondary Brain Injury:
Definition: Damage that occurs as a delayed response to the initial injury, often due to physiological and biochemical changes.
Examples: Cerebral edema, increased intracranialpressure, ischemia, hypoxia, and metabolic derangements.
Primary Brain Injuries:
Examples: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) from a fall or accident, skull fracture, concussion, gunshot wound to the head.
Secondary Brain Injuries:
Cerebral Edema: Swelling of brain tissue.
Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP): Pressurebuildup within the skull.
Ischemic Stroke: Lack of blood flow leading to tissue death.
Brain Herniation: Displacement of brain tissue due to high ICP.
Concept: The cranial vault is a rigid, fixed space, and the total volume of its contents (brain tissue, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid) must remainconstant.
Compensation: If the volume of one componentincreases, there must be a compensatorydecrease in anothercomponent to maintain a stable intracranial pressure.
Three Signs of Cushing's Triad
Hypertension: Elevated blood pressure as the body attempts to maintaincerebral perfusion.
Bradycardia: Slowed heart rate due to increasedintracranial pressure affecting the vagus nerve.
Irregular Respirations: Abnormal breathing patterns caused by brainstemcompression.
Intracranial Pressure Compensation Mechanisms
Mechanism 1: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Shifts:
Reduction: CSF can be displaced from the cranial vault into the spinalsubarachnoid space, or its production can be decreased, and its absorptionincreased.
Intracranial Pressure Compensation Mechanisms
Mechanism 2: Blood Volume Reduction:
Venous Volume: Venous blood can be displaced from the intracranial vault to extracranialveins, reducing blood volume within the skull.
Intracranial Pressure Compensation Mechanisms
Brain Herniation:
Issue: When compensatory mechanisms are exhausted, increased intracranial pressure can force brain tissue to herniate through openings in the skull, such as the foramenmagnum.
Outcome: Brain herniation can compress vital brain structures, leading to severe neurologicaldamage or death.