Cards (5)

  • Socialization
    Learning on how our society and specific communities or group works, so we can be a part of them. It's a process of working together in developing responsibility in our community. Individual learns to conform to the norms and values in a group and develops his own self by learning and knowing about his/her own self from others.
  • Focuses of Socialization
    • Acquisition of knowledge
    • Language
    • Values
    • Habits
    • Skills in the Society
  • Types of Socialization
    • Primary socialization
    • Secondary socialization
    • Developmental socialization
    • Anticipatory socialization
    • Resocialization
  • Consequences of Socialization
    • Establishes self-concepts for role taking
    • Creates the capacity
    • Creates the tendency for people to act in socially acceptable ways
    • Makes people bearers of culture
  • Goals of Socialization
    • Impulse control and development of a conscience
    • Roles preparation and performance including occupational rules, gender roles, and roles in institutions such as marriage and parenthood
    • The cultivation of sources of meaning, or what is important, values, and to be lived for