chapter 3+4

Cards (30)

  • abyss(n) : a large space or gap between two things, especially between the earth and the sea
  • neglect (v)to fail to look after someone or something properly
    neglected(a): lôi thôi
  • stench(n) a very strong bad smell, unpleasant smell
  • corridor(n) hành lang
  • cloak (n) lốt, mặt nạ
  • vulnerable(a)can be easily harmed or hurt 
  • splinter(n) mảnh vụn
  • scavenge(v) lục tìm, mò tìm
  • viable(a) khả thi
  • legitimately (av)  fair or reasonable
  • burlap sack(n) bao tải
  • wring(v) vắt
  • tattered(a)old and torn
  • skim(v)-to move along quickly over a surface, never touching it or not touching it often
    -to read sth quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it = scan
  • stifle(v) dập tắt opp: encourage
  • hasty(a) hurried
  • miserable(a) extremely unhappy
  • barely concealed(a) để lộ
  • spring(n) lò xo
  • cripple(v) to hurt someone badly so that they cannot walk properly
  • drenched(a) ướt sũng
  • horror(n) nỗi kinh hoàng
  • insurmountable (a) too large or difficult to deal with
  • prick(v) a part of your body: you feel small sharp pains(nhói lên)
  • constrict (v) to make something narrower or tighter, or to become narrower or tighter (thắt lại)
  • skewer(v) xiên thủng
  • inexplicable(a) = incomprehensible: too unusual or strange to be explained or understood
  • humiliation(n): a feeling of shame and great embarrassment
    the state of being humiliated
  • sear (v) to have a very strong sudden and unpleasant effect on you (nao nức)
  • thaw (v): to become less cold or tense, especially because of a change in attitude