Cards (70)

  • Line Number - This shows you what line number your cursor is on. It is useful since the compiler gives error messages with a line number
  • Compiling - Before your program "code" can be sent to the board, it needs to be converted into instructions that the board understands.
  • IDE - Integrated Development Environment, a software package that provides a graphical user interface for programming and editing code.
  • A function often used to set pinmode to input or output is: setup ()
  • This code happens over and over again: loop ()
  • PWM (PULSE WIDTH MODULATION) - A method of emulating an analog signal through a digital
  • LOW - No electrical signal present (OV). Also OFF or False in Boolean logic
  • Analog Read - This allows you to get readings from analog sensors or interfaces that have more than two states
  • Assign a HIGH or LOW value to a pin already declared as an... digitalWrite
  • Which of the following displays the correct syntax? Serial.println("Hello World!");
  • What does LED stand for? Light Emitting Diode
  • What is defined as the duration of "on time"? Pulse Width
  • What is NOT a PWM Pin on most Arduino boards? 8
  • When the condition in a "for" loop becomes false the loop ends
  • The Piezoelectric Buzzer is one integrated electronic transducer, DC voltage supply, widely used in computers, printers, copiers, alarm, electronic toys, automotive electronic equipment, telephones timers and other electronic products for sound devices.
  • Which statement will mute the buzzer?digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); analogWrite(buzzer, 0);
  • Where should the MIDDLE PIN of the potentiometer be connected to? analog pin
  • What kind of value does the Photoresistor collect? analog
  • What does an LM35 measure? Temperature
  • Where should the legs of an LM35 be connected to? (from left to right)? 5V, ANALOG, GROUND
  • Line Sensor - It is designed for mobile robot line tracking applications, in three (3) or five (5) IR reflective sensors that will reliably detect dark lines printed over light color surface
  • The function of a motor driver is to take a low-current control signal and then turn it into a higher- current signal that can drive a motor.
  • When the button is not being pressed it becomes what is called a floating pin - it's not connected to anything
  • What does the command 'buttonState digitalRead(buttonPin);' do?- check the condition of the tact switch
  • Pauses the program for the amount of time (in milliseconds) specified as parameter. - delay(ms)
  • Potentiometer - It is a simple knob that provides a variable resistance, which we can read into the Arduino board as an analog value
  • Resistor - A device having a designed resistance to the passage of an electric current
  • Arduino grammar is built on the basis of C++ grammar.
  • The name "Sumo" came from an old Japanese sport, which is two opponents fighting in a ring, each of them trying to push the other opponent out of it
  • What analog sensor serves as the primary component in a Sumo Robot? - Ultrasonic Sensor
  • digitalRead - Reads the value from a specified digital pin, either HIGH or LOW.
  • Capacitance - The ability of a material to hold an electrical charge
  • Constant - A named identifier that cannot change its value in a program.
  • Debugging - The process of going through a circuit or code, and finding errors, until the expected behavior is achieved
  • Float - A datatype used to represent a fraction which entails the use of decimal points for floating point numbers.
  • Microcontroller - The brains of the Arduino, this is a small computer that you will program to listen for, process, and display information.
  • A potentiometer returns an analog value between 0 and 1023
  • Pulse with Modulation - A way to simulate a varying static voltage
  • Sensor - A component that measures one form of energy and converts it to voltage or current.
  • Serial Communication - A type of serial protocol between two devices