Situational Explanations

Cards (7)

  • Agentic State
    a mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour because we believe ourselves to be acting for an authority figure
  • Legitimacy of Authority
    an explanation for obedience which suggests that we are more likely to obey people who we perceive to have more authority than us
  • Strengths of Legitimacy of authority
    • explains cultural differences - Mann - Australians
  • Limitations of legitimacy of authority
    • rank and jacobson - nurses disobeyed authority figure
  • Autonomous State
    • opposite of the agentic state
    • 'autonomy' means to be independent and free
    • behave according to their own principles
  • Agentic Shift
    shift from autonomy to agency
  • Binding factors
    aspects of a situation that allows people to ignore the damaging affect of their behaviour - reduces the moral strain
    e.g. shift responsibility to person of authority