stem cells 1

Cards (12)

  • stem cells
    • can divide by mitosis an unlimited number of times
    • can develop into specialised cells- differentiation
  • types of potency
    • totipotency= can differentiate into any cell type found in embryo(zygote is totipotent)
    • pluripotency=different into any cell type found in embryo but no cells forming placenta and umbilical cord
    • multipotent=adult stem cells, can differentiate into a limited range of cell types, no longer pluri potent
  • stem cells in medicine
    • replace daamged tissues and cells
    • 2 sources of medical stem cells- embryonic and adult
  • leukaemia treatment
    • existing stem cells killed before replacing using a bone marrow stem cell replacement
    • will replace all bone marrow cells
  • use of embryonic stem cells
    • differentiate into almost all cell types
    • totipotent(3/4 days after fertilisation), pluripotent(taken on day 5)
    uses waste embryos from IVF
  • use of adult stem cells
    • can only produce a limited range of cell types
    • bone marrow= different types of blood cells
    • less controversial as doner can give permissions
    • however, closr match needed in terms of blood type and body antigens- less chance of rejection by immune system
  • benefits
    • treat wide variety of diseases
    • organs developed from patients own stem cells reduces risk of organ rejection and need to wait for donation
  • risk/issues
    • risk of cultured stem cells accumulating mutations that can lead to developing into cancer cells
    • stem cells cultured in lab could be infected with virus
  • social issues
    • lack of peer reviewed clinical evidence of the success of stem cell treatments
    • educating public sufficiently about what stem cells are and how they can be used
  • ethical issues
    • embryos cannot consent
    • should an embryo be treated as a human with human rights
  • cell differentiation
    • under certain conditions/chemical signals, some genes in a stem cell are activated and others inactivated
    • MRNA transcribes activated genes only
    • MRNA then translated for form proteins
    • these proteins are responsible for modifying the cell eg structure
    • cells become specialised
  • transcription factors
    • proteins that control transcription of genes by binding to specific regions of DNA
    • activators= help RNA polymerase bind to DNA to begin transcription
    • repressors=stop RNA polymerase binding to DNA to inhibit transcription of gene