Synaptic Transmission- once the action potential reaches the axon terminal it needs to be transferred to the next neuron or tissue.
Synapse- the meeting point between a neuron and a neuron tissue.
Electrical impulse needs to be transferred to another neuron via the synaptic gap between the two neurons.
2. The end of the pre-synaptic neuron consists of synaptic vesicles that contain chemical messengers that assist in transmission of electrical impulse (neurotransmitters).
2. As the action potential reaches the end of the axon, it causes the vesicles to open up.
3. Once neurotransmitter released into the gap, it diffuses across & binds to the receptors of the post synaptic neuron (dendrites) and then gets activated.
4. In post-synaptic neuron, chemical messenger converted into an electrical charge (action potential and fires transmission in that neuron).
4. If the neurotransmitter is inhibitory, it makes an impulse less likely and an excitatory neurotransmitter makes it more likely.
5. A nerve cell can receive both excitatory post-synaptic potential & inhibitory post- synaptic potential. (Determined by adding up the excitatory and subtracting of inhibitory synaptic input- if gives a post-synaptic potential above a threshold for that neuron, then it will become active).
6. Reuptake of the neurotransmitter back into the vesicles occurs which stops the stimulation of the post-synaptic neuron & recycles the chemical for next usage.