A plan that reduced the reparationpayments from Germany from £6.6billion to £1.85 billion and extended the time Germany had to pay to 59 years
When was the young plan?
What were the SA?
The Naziprivatearmy‘ also known as the brown shirts
What was the Dolchstoss theory?
the ‘stabintheback’ theory that many Germans believed in because they thought that the army was betrayed by politicians
Who were the communists?
the leftwinggroup who wanted the redistribution of wealth
Who were the November criminals?
the German politicians who signed the armistice which caused fighting to end
What was the armistice?
the agreement to stop fighting on the western front, signed on november 11th 1918.
What was the treaty of versailles?
a peacetreaty signed on the 28th june 1919, which formally ended WWI. It stated that Germany had to pay reparations, give up overseas colonies, lose territory and have a smaller army (100,000) with limited weapons
What was the night of the long knives?
on the 30th June 1934, the SS murdered 400 SA members including Rohm
How much was Germany‘s reparation debt?
What was the Rentenmark?
new German currency introduced by Stresemann to replace the old currency that became worthless due to hyperinflation
What was the Dawes plan?
reparations were spread over a longer period of time and the USA lent Germany 800 million marks to help its industries to make its reparation payments
When was the Dawes plan?
What was the Kellogg-Briand pact?
65 nations agreed to settle all disputes by ‘peaceful means’
When was the Kellogg-Briand pact?
What was the Locarno treaties?
Germany accepted its western borders with Britain, France,Belgium and Italy as set out in the Treaty of Versailles.
When was the locarno treaties?
What was the enabling act?
on the 24th March 1933, the German parliament voted in favour of the enabling act which allowed Hitler to passlaws without having any interference from the Reichstag or president. It allowed him to have full government powers for 4 years.