The consumer's desire to purchase goods or services
The market's ability to produce a good or service
Demand curve
A schedule of willingness and capacity of a consumer to buy a commodity at alternative prices at a given point in time other things held constant
Factors affecting the demand of a commodity
Prices of other commodities
The capacity to purchase is influenced by the income of the consumer
Prices of other commodities
Aside from the price of the commodity being sold, the demand for a good or service may be influenced by the prices of other goods and services
The prospect on what is going to happen to the price can influence the demand for the commodity
Shaped by cultural values, peer pressure, and power of advertising
The size and characteristic of the market can also influence the demand for a commodity
The demand curve is downward sloping due to the substitution and income effect, and the principle of diminishing marginal utility
Substitution effect
Describes the decisions of a consumer to substitute an expensive goods with cheaper goods when there is price change
Income effect
Refers to the modification of the consumption of a commodity due to the change in the purchasing power of the consumer resulting from a price change
Principle of diminishing marginal utility
Consumers can have a feeling of satisfaction when they continuously increase the consumption of a particular commodity
Changes in demand curve
Movement along demand curve
Shifts in demand curve
Movement along the demand curve
Change in quantity demand resulting from the change in the price of the commodity
Shiftsindemand curve
Changes in demand curve caused by any of the other factors beside the price of commodity
A positive effect will shift the demand curve to the right, and a negative effect will shift the demand curve to the left
Reasons for a shift in demand curve to the right: the good became more popular, the price of a substitute good increased, the price of a complement good decreased, a rise in incomes, or seasonal factors