Cards (31)

  • has plenty of segments that appear as?
    ribbon like
  • d. latum is under class of?
  • scolex appears as?
    • almond shaped
    • spoon shaped
    • spatula shaped
  • anapolytic or apolytic?
    anapolytic (gravid segments do not detach, therefore no segments seen in stool)
  • ova is immature when laid
  • ova is operculated and has a lot of granules so it is called?
    inconspicous operculum
  • ova becomes?
  • a ciliated epithelium that appears as sea urchin
  • a larva tha has a mucous?
  • larva that is longer and will become adult
  • life cycle
    1. ova
    2. coracidium
    3. procercoid
    4. plerocercoid
    5. adult
  • scolex has no hooklets
  • sucking groove in the scolex has?
    1 mid-dorsal, 1 mid ventral sucking groove
  • scolex is called?
    bothrium or bothria
  • segments characterize as?

    broader than long
  • genital pore is present and located at?
    center of mature proglottid
  • d. latum common name:
    • broad tapeworm
    • fish tapeworm
  • d. latum is known as the?
    largest tapeworm of man
  • d. latum adult parasite resembles?
  • uterus of d. latum appears as?
    rosette shaped formation
  • disease cause?
    • tapeworm anemia
    • vitamin b12 deficiency
    • megaloblastic anemia
  • in megaloblastic anemia, rbc are?
    macrocytic hyperchromic
  • stool exam will not show segments therefore do not do compression technique
  • eggs resemble what parasite?
    paragonimus westermanii
  • how many intermediate host it needs?
  • 1st intermediate host:
  • 2nd intermediate host:
    freshwater fish
  • what procedure should be done for ova or eggs?
    sedimentation technique
  • do not perform floatation technique because the ova is dense or heavy because of plenty granules it contains
  • 1st intermediate host is copepods, example of copepods is?
    small shrimp
  • small shirmp as copepods known as?