Cards (5)

  • Having effective communication skills in English is important for success
  • Communication
    • "commun" implies something in common
    • "ication" suggests understanding
    • A common understanding of something (Chase & Samo, 2013).
  • Communication Process
    Message (what the idea being communicated)
    Courtesy - politeness
    Clarity - correct word usage, grammar, pronunciation, sentence construction, delivery
    Conciseness - saying what needs to be said in as few words as possible
    Concreteness - being specific
    Completeness - 5 W’s and 1 H
  • Communication Process
    Channel (through what medium the message is relayed)
    Receiver (to whom it is directed)
    Effect (what the desired result of communication is)
  • Communication Process
    Context = situation
    • It includes the following:
    – the environment (location, time of the day, temperature)
    – the relationship between communicators
    respective cultural backgrounds and past experiences
    topic/subject of their communication