social psychology

Cards (18)

  • social psychology
    examins the influence of social processes on peoples thoughts, feelings, behaviour
  • social processes
    how we interact with people are you influence thoughts behaviours
  • muller lyer illusion
    • not all people show this illusion
    • people in industrialised societies show the illusion because of their experiences with sharp corners which provide information about relative distance
  • social psychology
    considers similarities and differences across cultures, mindful of underrepresented perspectives and examines influence of social processes
  • social norms
    shared expectations about how people should think feel behaviour
  • ash conformity
    • lines coomparison to standrd
    • 75% ppl conformed
    • confederates and ONE actual participant
  • factors affecting confomity
    • group size
    • unanimity
    • private response
    • expertise, status
  • conformity
    adjustment of individual behaviour and attitudes to group standard
  • obedience
    adherence to instructions from those of higher authority
  • milgram obedience
    • particpant administer shocks
    • many participants were visibly anxious and didn't stop
  • milgram summary
    • power of situation with authority
  • attribution
    process of assigning a cause to our own behaviour and that of other
    • personal: explanation of persons behaviour as caused by internal factors
    • situation: explanation of persons behaviours caused by external
  • bias attribution
    tendency to explain ones successes in terms of internal factors but failures in terms of external factors
    protect self image
  • fundamental attribution error
    underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate role of person factors when explaining other persons behaviour
  • self fulfilling prophecy
    when peoples expectations lead them to act in a way that brings about the expected behaviours
    people creating what they expect to see
  • sterotypstereotypess
    belief about a persons characteristics on basis of group membership
  • prejudice
    negative attitudes towards someone on basis of their membership
  • discrimination
    behaviours directed towards someone on basis of their membership