When they invaded they brought large quantities of their language with them, incorportating them into Old English (incl. words for family, verbs like 'go,' 'drink,' and prepositions)
Simplified grammatical system, and bought neologisms such as 'sky,' 'skull,' and 'anger'
The invasion of the Normans, and subsequent domination led to French terms in the language
The great vowel shift
Long vowels moved from the front of the mouth to further back, sounds become more 'diphthongs,' ('mouse' originally pronounced 'moose')
Inkhorn Controversy
Concern and upset due to high numbers of 'Inkhorn' terms being imported from languages such as; Greek, Latin...
Introduced 400+ terms into the English language
Samuel Johnson
First English dictionary in 1755, containing 40,000 words/ spellings
Deemed biassed
He admitted that attempting to control the language was like trying to "Lash the wind"
Robert Lowth
1762 Grammar book
Suggested multiple negation was incorrect, as it had the same effect as maths (turns positive)
Académíe Français
Organisation that 'approves' words into the French language, in an attempt to keep it 'pure'
Johnathan Swift
Pamphlet; "An proposal for correcting, improving and to acertain the English language"
Industrial Revolution
Rise in industries created mass migration and new regionaldialects developed
Language should be preserved by rules
Linguistic change is enriching and natural
Jean Aitchingson's metaphors - Prescriptivist views
Crumbling castle - English is slowly decaying, used to be beautiful
Dampspoon - Changed are a result of laziness and disrespect
Infectiousdisease - Change spreads like a disease, should be avoided
Halliday's functionaltheory
Language changes as it's user's needs do, a good example is the rise of technology
Bailey's wave model
Change begins in geographical centre, and ripples out, the closer you are to the centre the quicker you will adopt change
David Crystal's tide metaphor
Language is like the tide, tide brings things in and washes them away; it's natural
Technological change
Increases in technology has broadened communication, added more abbreviations, acronyms, emoji.....
Text talk is ruining our language, and leading to a lowering of standards