The primary aim of second language teaching using Audio-Lingual Method is oral proficiency.
The aspect of Communicative Competence that deals with the appropriate use of communication and coping strategies is known as Strategic Competence.
Interpretability is the ability of the listener to understand the speaker's intentions behind the word or utterance.
A teaching practice which is compatible with Communicative Approach is one that gives priority to oralcommunication.
The boy and the girl's uncle is an example of a sentencefragment.
"Don't make any comment unless you are fully aware of the issue." is an example of a complex sentence.
Josh dreads wild animals in the zoo. The function of the underlined constituent is optional modifier.
Descriptivegrammar refers to the structure of a language as it's actually used by speakers and writers.
Prescriptivegrammar refers to the structure of a language as certain people think it should be used.
"The man with a tall hat sits rather uncomfortably at the dinner table" is syntactically ambiguous.
"Shakespeare is a literary titan" exemplifies the literary device Allusion.
Motif in literary writing is an image or idea repeated throughout a work or several works of literature.
The focus of Medieval Literature is Religious, Divine and Spiritual.
NewCriticism excludes the reader's response, the author's intention, historical and cultural contexts, and moralistic bias from their analysis. It does not allow inter-textual reading of literature.
Neoclassicism is characterized by a re-examination and imitation of classical models, literary styles and values of the ancient Greek and Roman authors.
All interpretations and meanings of a text are correct as accepted by a Reader-ReceptionCritic.
In the excerpt "Here thou, great Anna! whom three realms obey / Dost sometimes counsel take-and sometimes tea.", Alexander Pope used a literary device called Anticlimax.
AestheticDistance is the audience's ability to remove themselves so that they can contemplate and evaluate the performance and the play.
Translatability is the capacity for some kind of meaning to be transferred from one language to another without undergoing radical change.
The literary movement known as the era of "decadence" which was a reaction against realism, naturalism, and highly structured poetry is called Symbolism.
Naturalism emphasized the hereditary psychological component of characters and experimenting the connections between human psychology and external environment.
A word can have associated mental images and meanings, often these cannot be found in dictionaries. These are called Connotations.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness..." In the opening lines of the novel The Tale of Two Cities, CharlesDickens used juxtaposition.
"The time is out of joint, O cursed spite / That ever I was born to set it right." The two lines from Shakespeare's Hamlet which is characterized by having two successive rhyming lines in a verse and the same meter to form a complete thought is called a couplet.
A figure of speech that uses exaggeration is Hyperbole.
Appeal to Ethos means that the author convinces the audience using his credibility, character or expertise. These include enumerating work experiences, accomplishments, and character.
Appeal to Pathos means that the author convinces the audience using emotions. The author aims to gather the audience's sympathy and draw pity or sometimes makes them angry.
Appeal to Logos means that the author convinces the audience using logic and reason. The author presents facts, evidences and data to convince the audience's minds to accept his arguments.
Epiphora, also known as "epistrophe," is a stylistic device in which a word or a phrase is repeated at the ends of successive clauses.
The MOST important sentence in any essay is the thesis sentence.
Self-fulfillingProphecy is where the prophecies are realized due to the actions of a character who tries to prevent them (for example: Oedipus Rex)
Antanaclasis is the literary trope in which a single word or phrase is repeated, but in two different senses.
The person assigned to dictate the actor's line if he forgets is called a prompter
A poem that tells a lively or tragic story is called ballad.
The characteristic of a formalist's criticism is that criticism is focused on the work itself.
Nemesis is a literary device is where the good characters are rewarded for their virtues, and the evil characters are punished for their vices.
The glass unicorn in The Glass Menagerie, the rocking horse in "The Rocking-Horse Winner," and the road in Frost's "The Road Not Taken" are examples of subjects.
"It's no wonder everyone refers to Mary as another Mother Teresa in
the making; she loves to help and care after people everywhere, from the streets to her own friends." This is an example of an Allusion.
The words spoken by an actor directly to the audience watching a play that the characters in the play do not hear are called aside.
The myths of the Greeks reflect a view of the universe that acknowledges the mystery and beauty of humanity.