The process where the tooth penetrates the mucous membrane and enters the mouth
Sequential order of deciduous teeth eruption
Mandibular central incisors (6.5 months)
Mandibular lateral incisors (7 months)
Maxillary central incisors (7.5 months)
Maxillary lateral incisors (8 months)
Mandibular first molars (12-16 months)
Maxillary first molars (12-16 months)
Mandibular canines (16-20 months)
Maxillary canines (16-20 months)
Mandibular second molars (20-30 months)
Maxillary second molars (20-30 months)
Deciduous teeth
Allow proper mastication
Prevent malocclusion
Guide the eruption of the permanent teeth
Provide esthetics
Provide phonetics
The process where the deciduous teeth roots are fully formed after eruption, then resorption starts until exfoliation occurs, followed by the eruption of the permanent successor teeth
Maxillary deciduous incisors
Mesio-distal width more than labiolingual dimension
Root:crown ratio increased
Crown appears thicker from mesial aspect due to short crown length
Maxillary deciduous canine
Crown more constricted at cervical area
Mesial slope of cusp longer than distal slope
Mesial and distal contact areas at same level
Root:crown ratio increased
Crown appears thicker labiolingually from mesial aspect due to short crown length
Maxillary deciduous first molar
Four cusps: mesiolingual (largest), mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distolingual (smallest)
Three roots: lingual, mesiobuccal, distobuccal
Maxillary deciduous second molar
Five cusps: mesiolingual (largest), mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distolingual, fifth supplemental cusp
Three roots: lingual, mesiobuccal, distobuccal
Mandibular deciduous incisors
Wider mesio-distally in relation to length compared to permanent incisors
Root:crown ratio increased
Labiolingual width appears more due to short crown length
Mandibular deciduous canine
Labiolingual dimension much less than maxillary deciduous canine
Cervical ridge less pronounced than maxillary deciduous canine
Distal slope of cusp larger than mesial slope
Mandibular deciduous first molar
Four cusps: mesiolingual (largest), mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distolingual (smallest)
Two roots: mesial and distal
Mandibular deciduous second molar
Five cusps: mesiolingual, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distolingual, distal
Two roots: mesial and distal
Principal differences between deciduous and permanent teeth
Deciduous teeth are 20 in number, permanent teeth are 32
Deciduous teeth are smaller in all dimensions
Deciduous teeth show less morphology variations
Deciduous enamel is whiter and more opaque
Deciduous enamel is thinner (0.5-1cm), permanent enamel is thicker (1.5-2.5cm)
Deciduous tooth crowns
More constricted at cervix
Cervical ridges more prominent
Intercuspal distance more constricted buccolingually
Anterior crowns wider mesio-distally compared to crown length
Deciduous tooth roots
Lack of root trunk in molars
Shorter, weaker, and narrower
Longer in proportion to crown
Wider than crown to allow room for permanent tooth development
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2. فتح البرنامج وتوجيه الكاميرا على الباركود وسيتم توجيهك للصورة تلقائيا
محمد خان: 'إطمح أن تصل للنجوم فان لم تصل ربما تكون قد تكون بلغت القمر'
ملاك باش امام: 'لا تتوقف عن المحاولة, فالنجاح يحققه فقط الذين يواصلون'
كائن معقد التركيب, آلة متعددة الوظائف وتحتوي على الات أصغر منها
منها ما هو مرئي وغير مرئي
الأخير يتمثل فالروح والطموح والتطور
نحن نسعى لتحريك هذه الألة و تطوريكم أهم أركان طموحنا
طبيب أسنان أفضل
التقنية + المعرفة + حسن الأداء
محمد ابودبرة: 'إن الذين توقفو عن طلب العلم ، اكتفوا بما تعلموا فشلو في تطوير نفسهم'
أنوار زيتون: 'لا تيأس إن وصلت منتصف الطريق وتهالكت قدماك وإنفك رباط حذائك فقط ضع هدفك نصب عيناك وأمضي'
Dental syringe
Types: Plastic (disposable), Metal (non-disposable)
Metal dental syringe
Two types: Side loaded (carpule loaded from the side), End loaded
Dental syringe
Aspirating (harpoon or hook at the END of the piston to engage with the carpule), Non-aspirating
Dental syringe
Parts: Needle adapter, Harpoon, Piston, Barrel, Thumb ring, Finger grip
Dental syringe types
Metal side-loaded aspirating non-disposable
Metal end-loaded aspirating non-disposable
Metal end-loaded non-aspirating non-disposable
Dental syringe needle
Types: Short (about 20mm for infiltration), Long (about 32mm for nerve block)
Dental syringe needle
Gauges: 25, 27, 30 (the larger the number the smaller the diameter)
Inserting the needle to the hub might cause the needle to break because the weakest point is the needle's hub junction
Use long needles for nerve blocks
25 and 27 gauge needles are more resistant to fracture than 30 gauge