Cards (46)

  • universal phylogenetic tree shows evolutionary relationship based on rRNA sequencing so does not represent all life (viruses and prions)
  • infectious microbial agents with no rRNA
    prions and viruses
  • prokaryotic infectious microbial agents
    bacteria and archea
  • eukaryotic infectious microbial agents
    protozoa (single cell parasites), fungi, multicellular parasites
  • parasites
    a eukaryotic organism that has a parasitic relationship with their human or animal host
  • prokaryotes features
    thick cell wall, no nucleus or membrane bound organelles
  • eukaryote features
    membrane bound organelles, membrane bound nucleus
  • prions
    a large protein that changes conformation of normal proteins to abnormal form, no NA, replicate using host machinery
  • prion example - PrP^sc

    causes mad cow disease and dementia, brain has normal form of protein, comes into contact with abnormal form of same protein and changes to abnormal and replicates
  • viruses definition
    no cellular structure, can't replicate themselves, use machinery of host cell, can't cause disease outside of human cell (DNA or RNA but not both)
  • bacteria def
    prokaryotes, usually free living can intracellular, DNA and RNA
  • fungi (mould + yeast)

    eukaryotes, usually free living, moulds and multicellular version of fungus, yeast single cell
  • protozoa def

    single cell parasites, DNA and RNA
  • prokaryote DNA
    single, circular chromosome of DS DNA
  • prokaryotes site of respiration
    cell membrane
  • gram positive bacteria stain

  • gram negative bacteria stain

  • gram positive cell envelope structure
    inner plasma membrane, thick layer of cell wall peptidoglycan outside
  • gram negative cell envelope structure
    inner plasma membrane, thin layer peptidoglycan, outer plasma membrane
  • functions of plasma membrane bacteria
    retain cytoplasm, selectively permeable, ATP synthesis (respiration)
  • pleomorphic bacteria

    has multiple forms
  • flagella
    helical protein structure that mediates bacterial motility on some bacteria
  • polar flagella
    at one or both ends of cell
  • peritrichous
    spread over whole surface of cell
  • directed v tumbling motility
    directed rotates in one direction, tumbling looking for signal
  • pili and fimbriae
    hair like protein structures, fimbriae are shorter
  • pili and fimbriae function
    help bacteria attach to surfaces of host cells, adhesions on pilus attach to receptor molecules on host cell surface
  • sex pili
    mediate transfer of DNA from cell to cell, conjugation to enable rapid spread of genes, extend from 1 bacteria to another
  • capsule layer function
    helps pathogenic bacteria resist phagocytosis and mediates attachment of bacteria to surfaces
  • slime layer
    variant of capsule, unorganised and easily removed
  • S-layer
    2D crystalline protein lattice enclosing cell envelope, stabilise membrane
  • endospores
    resistant, dormant spores formed in some bacteria when in harsh conditions
  • which bacteria in particular form spores
    clostridium botulinum, c.tetani, c.difficile, bacillus anthrax
  • endospores may germinate if water, nutrients present and start growing again
  • how kill endospores
    autoclave at high pressure, temp
  • role of cell envelope in infection
    maintains cell shape and protects bacterial cell from osmotic lysis
  • peptidoglycan
    helical structure alternating polysaccharides NAM and NAG, peptide side chains cross linked with other strands
  • teichoic acid
    in gram positive peptidoglycan, mediates adhesion of bacteria to host cells
  • LPS
    on outer membrane of gram negative, mediates clinical effects of infections, O specific side chains (trigger specific immune response)
  • Lipid A component
    endotoxin causes fever, septic shock and death, actives immune cell, is an O LPS side chain