PunnettSquare crosses involving twoheritabletraits. This works out for 16possibleoff-springoptions
What does a Heterozygous, Homozygous dominant genotype look like in a dihybrid cross?
What is co-dominance?
When bothalleles in a heterozygousindividualareexpressed, resulting in a phenotype that showsbothtraits.
What is incomplete dominance?
When each potentialgenotype is unique, so a newintermediate phenotype is shown
What is multiplealleles?
When morethantwoallelescorrespond to a genotype. Examples include blood-type.
What is pleiotropy?
When a singlegeneinfluencesmultipletraits or phenotypes. For example the allele for sickle-cell anemia influencesblindness, heart attacks, and liverfaliure.
What is PolygenicInheritance?
When multiplegenes contribute additively a smallamount to a phenotype. For example, skin color, height, or weight.
What are lethalalleles?
A mutatedgene that disruptsbiologicalprocesses, causing partialorcompletelethality of an organism.