Year 8 Geography

Cards (33)

  • The number of people living in a place
  • Where people live and how well it's spread out
    Population Distrubution
  • How many people live in an area and if it's distributed evenly
    Population density
  • An area were not many people live
    Sparsely populated
  • An area where a lot of people live
    Densly populated
  • The number of deaths per year
    Death rate
  • The difference between the birth and death rate
    Natural increase/decrease
  • Someone who moves from one place to another with the plan to live there
  • Someone who moves to live permanently in another country
  • People that choose to move to seek work
    Economic migrants
  • Someone who has to move because of war or natural disasters
  • Negative factors that makes you want to leave a place
    Push factor
  • Positive factors that makes you want to move somewhere
    Pull factor
  • When more people move to cities
  • When people move from the countryside to towns/cities
    Rural to urban migration
  • Providing for the needs of people today but will not harm future generations
  • The transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world
    Cultural globalisation
  • Growing numbers of people more within countries and across boarders
    Migration globalisation
  • The spread of the flow of goods
    Products globalisation
  • An independence of nations around the globe fostered through free trade
    Trade globalisation
  • The degree to which the whole world lives under the same set of legal rules
    Law globalisation
  • A TNC moves part of the company to another country
  • The invention of the standard shipping container
  • The day-to-day conditions in a place
  • The average weather in a region over a long period of time
  • The height/elevation of the ground above sea level
  • Slowly moving masses made up of compacted snow and ice
  • When there is a change in the volume of water in the oceans (e.g post glacial)
    Eustatic change
  • When an area of land rises or falls causing a relative change to sea level
    Isostatic change
  • Ice compresses the land causing it to sink
    Isostatic rebound
  • A measure of how much energy a gas absorbs compared to CO2. The higher the number, the greater the warming effect
    Global Warming Potential
  • A large ecosystem with its own distinctive climate, plants and animals
  • The process of establishing control over foreign territories or people