Video Gamers burn thousands of calories playing championships, their heart rate beating at the pace of professional athletes in the field
Chess Grand Masters use up enormous amounts of energy playing tournaments, but as described from their own mouths, it feels effortless to them
You crave using Tik Tok and playing video games
You are not willing to put the same effort into something that could potentially change your entire life work
Making work feel like playing video games
Using energy but feeling effortless
There's a part in our brain that makes activities feel stimulating and effortless, just like it does with video games and scrolling
Unlocking monster level motivation
1. Eliminate all the blockers
2. Change your goals to focus on becoming the type of person who could achieve the outcome
3. Hack your dopamine supply to get motivated
Distractions are the biggest blockers of motivation and workflow
Switching tasks
Makes you four times slower than if you had stayed focused on the initial task
Experts found that the source from which the winners were pulling their motivation is different from normal people
Extrinsic motivation
Motivated to achieve an outcome
Motivated to do the process
The most powerful way to tap into intrinsic motivation is by changing your goals to be about becoming the type of person who could achieve the outcome
A neurotransmitter in our brain that drives our strong craving for pleasure
Scrolling on Tik Tok
Dopamine is released in your brain, and you experience pleasure
Using Tik Tok and experiencing satisfaction
Reinforces the behaviour, making you addicted to it
Hacking your dopamine supply to get motivated
1. Decrease the bar of what's stimulating to you by being constantly bored
2. Working will suddenly feel stimulating
Environment changes behaviour more effectively than motivation does
80% of our sensory receptors are used on vision, so a small shift in what you see can lead to a big shift in what you do
The world's toughest athletes are motivated, but their motivation is different from everyone else's
Not entirely accurate, they're motivated, but their motivation is different
The more you push through pain, the more you strengthen your willpower, and over time, it becomes easier for you to commit to the work
Hard work isn't fun and often not pretty, it's painful, but by having a great goal, you sign up for this and acknowledge that it's going to suck, so you pay the price to get the outcome