Cards (29)

  • Expression operands
    Values involved in an operation
  • Relational operators
    Used to check the relations between two operands
  • Relational operators
    • Also called comparison operators
    • Result is always a Boolean value
  • A value involved in an operation is called an operand
  • If statement
    If the condition is true, execute the code block, else execute the else block
  • If-else statement

    If condition is true, execute if block, else execute else block
  • If-elseif-else statement
    If condition1 is true, execute if block, else if condition2 is true, execute elseif block, else execute else block
  • Logical operators
    Used in conditional statements
  • Nested if
    A conditional statement within another conditional statement
  • Methods
    Reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task
  • Array
    Used to store multiple values of the same data type in a single variable
  • Arrays
    • Provide a way to store multiple values of the same type in a contiguous memory block
    • Array indexing starts at 0
  • Accessing array
    Using the index number to access a specific element
  • Loops
    Execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is reached
  • While loop
    Loops through a block of code as long as a specified condition is true
  • Changing array element
    Refer to the index number to change the value of a specific element
  • Iterating arrays
    Reading every element inside an array and doing something with it
  • Array length
    The size of an array, found by calling the length property
  • Array indexing starts at?
  • String a reference data type that can store one or more characters reference data types have access to useful methods
  • .equals(""); // compare Two string if the string start from Upper Case // the comparing string must be Upper Case
  • .equalsIgnoreCase(" ") // ignoring Case Sensitivity
  • .length(); // returns the length of a specified string
  • .charAt(whole number); // returns the character at the specified // Index in a string
  • .indexOf(""); // returns the position of the first occurrence of // specified characters in a string
  • .isEmpty(); // checks whether a string is empty or not
  • .toUpperCase(); // converts a string to upper case
  • .toLowerCase(); // returns the string in lower case
  • .replace(oldChar, newChar);
    // replace all occurrences of a String
    // in another String or all occurrences
    // of a char with another char