During this period, secular music became equally significant to sacred music.
Renaissance period
A musical device that would enrich the text of a song through music.
Word painting
What is word painting?
The music represents the meaning of the words or lyrics.
Give an example of a song with word painting in it
"Song of Birds" by Clément Janequin
"AsVestawasfromLatmoshill" by ThomasWeelkes
What are the two main church music in the renaissance?
Motet and Mass
The mass has unchangeable portions called?
Mass ordinary
They are vocal works set to sacred Latin texts
Motet and Mass
The mass has unchangeable portions called mass ordinary, is usually set to?
It uses text other than the ordinary.
What are the parts of the Mass generally set to music with their corresponding first line in English
-"Kyrie" = Lordhavemercy
-"Gloria" = GlorytoGodinthehighest
-"Credo" = Creed
-"Sanctus" = Holy
-"AgnusDei" = LambofGod
What was the most prominent secular music of the Renaissance?
The Madrigal
What is Madrigal?
A nonreligiouspolyphonic and homophonic that originated in Italy, a vocalwork usually about love.
Famous madrigals of the Renaissance were usually written in?
Italian and English Texts
What are English madrigals known for?
They are comical and simple compared to Italian ones
What are some notable composers in the Renaissance era?
An Italian composer who served both as choirmaster and organist at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Giovanni Pierluigi dePalestrina (1525-1594)
He is known for writing motets and over a hundred masses
Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina
Give some works of Giovanni
He was known for his madrigals, an organist, composer, music publisher.
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)
The chief of English expounder of the Italian madrigal tradition.
Thomas Morley
What is Thomas's different styles of composition?
-Resonates the English style and is Polyphonic
-Manifests the Italian Madrigal style and is Unconstraint
Give some works of Thomas
-"Fire, Fire, My heart"
He used word painting and chromaticism. Known for lively rhythms, imagery, and expressiveness.
ThomasWeekles (1576-1623)
It is by an unknown composer. Was very popular in England during the time of Queen Elizabeth I.
An art medium used to decorate a wall or floor which is made out of tesserae that are fitted together to form a design or pattern and glued on a surface with plaster or cement.
It is the first of the Greek orders
During this period, sculptors created large, rigid, free-standing figures very similar to Egyptian sculpture.
Archaic Period
Aesthetic beauty was less important to the sculptors of this period.
Hellenistic period
During this period, the famous Greek sculptors were Phidias, Praxiteles, Lysippus and Myron.
Classical period
It is the most ornate of the three orders
it is one of the contributions of ancient Greeks in architecture. It is a temple dedicated to Athena.
it is a curve arrangement of stones over an open space. It may be used as an entrance, repeated along a wall as decoration or used to support heavy roofs.
His works, particularly his masses, are admired for their interweaving melodies that create charismatic harmonies.
Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina
He is an organist, composer, and music publisher, regarded as the chief English expounder of the Italian madrigal tradition.
Thomas Morley
During this period, secular music became equally significant to sacred music.
Renaissance period
What are the aims of first aid?
-To protect and preserve life
-To limit the effects of the condition
-To promote Recovery
What are the uses of bandages?
-To maintain direct pressure over a dressing
-To hold dressings and splints in place
-To limit swelling
-To provide support to a limb or join
-To restrict movement
What are the first aid guidelines and procedures?
-Stay calm
-Examine the victim. Asses his or her airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC)
-Ask for help
-Do secondary survey of a victim from head to toe
What are the characteristics of a good first aider?