Serious concerns expressed by parent (P) /primary caregiver (PC) about child's development
P/PC has chronic or acute mental illness / developmental disability / intellectual disability
P/PC with developmental history of loss/abuse
Family medical/genetic history characteristics
P/PC with severe or chronic illness
P/PC with drug/alcohol dependence
Acute family crisis
Chronically disturbed family interaction
P/PC-child separation
Adolescent mother
Parental education less than Gr 9/neither parent employed/single parent
Inadequate health care
Limited prenatal care
Parent has 4 or more preschool children
Lack of stable residence / homelessness / dangerous living conditions
Physical or social isolation / lack of social support
Atypical or recurring accidents on the part of the child
Chronic otitis media
Severe prenatal complications
Severe perinatal complications
Asphyxia (APGAR score <7 at 5 minutes)
Very low birthweight (<1500 g)
Small for gestational age (<10th percentile)
Excessive irritability, crying, tremulousness on part of infant