Phone-based (cellphone conversations, text messaging)
According to Adler & Rodman, communicating via internet or phone has its own set of issues and these are: LEANERMESSAGES, DISINHIBITION and PERMANCE
Leaner messages
Lack of richness, sufficiency or quality. Mediated messages are leaner than the face-to-face variety, they can be harder to comprehend and interpret.
As a receiver, it is important to clarify interpretations before jumping into conclusions
As a sender, think about how unambiguous messages so you can't be misunderstood
Lack of inhibition or control when it comes to posting comments or remarks online
Forms of disinhibition
Volunteering of personal information online
Increased expressiveness
Extreme outbursts, blasting off angry-even vicious emails, text messages and website posting
The risk of hostile e-messages or any inappropriate mediated messages being archived virtually forever, and potentially forwarded in ways that can only be imagined in your worst dreams
Be accountable of your posts online whether it carry good or bad reputation for you
Think twice before saying something you may later regret
For better understanding of these challenges in online communication, read SOCIAL MEDIA ETIQUETTE by Scott Steinberg
The question is not what communication channel is best to use, but when to use each one most effectively
Each communication channel has both advantages and disadvantages and drawbacks
A strategic series of actions designed to influence those who hold governmental, political, economic or private power to implement public policies and practices that benefit those with less political power and fewer economic resources – usually the affected group
Advocacy campaign
A long-term set of activities that includes research, planning and acting, monitoring and evaluating advocacy efforts, delivered through different platforms of media
Communication is central to an effective advocacy
It is difficult if not possible to persuade an individual or a community to adopt a new value. Instead, you must understand how your advocacy connects to things that people already give importance to