Crime is sociallyconstructed as police treatment is based on stereotypes - 'typicalcriminal' = black w/c male - labelling
Plummer - interactionist
Crime + deviance = varied from time to time, place to place and culture to culture
situational deviance - okay in certainsituations and places e.g smoking
societaldeviance - breaks law/ deviant for society e.g murder
Box - Marxist
Bourgeoisie have the power to sociallyconstruct what is and isn't a crime to benefit them
Army commits avoidablecrimes due to power e.g murder
Durkheim - Functionalist
Boundarytesting = deviance helpssocietyevolve and progress e.g Women2Drive - 2011 then banlifted in 2018
Durkheim - Functionalist
Crime is inevitable as everyone has differentnorms and values (gender, age, ethnicity) = lack of valueconsensus + higherlevels of anomie which increases crime as people have no connection to society
Durkheim - Functionalist
Promotionofsocial cohesion - unifiedreaction from society e.g Manchester bombings - reinforces socialsolidarity + recommits people to valueconsensus
Durkheim - Functionalism
Boundaryreaffirming - mediaportrayal of crimes shows punishments which acts to reaffirm boundaries which maintainssocialorder e.g Lucy Letby
Straintheory - strain between societies goals and means to reach them = anomie
Modes of adaption - retreatism = alcoholism + drug abuse
-rebellion = new norms and values to create subcultures
Hirschi - functionalist
4controls :
involvement, belief, commitment, attachment
Lack of controls = novalueconsensus + socialsolidarity = higherlevels of anomie and crime
Cohen - Functionalist
Status frustration - teenage boys desire status and feel inferior to m/c boys so rejectsuccessgoals of mainstreamsociety and replace with illegitimate goals they can achieve = delinquent subcultures
Cloward and Ohlin-Functionalist
Blockedopportunities - problems in achievinggoals of mainstreamculture so accept illegitimate means
Folkdevils - Mods and rockers = threats to decent society and labelled as subversive and perverted - emphasise media and societal reaction
hoodies became a threat to society and a symbol of criminalbehavior = labelling which increases a moralpanic - 'thugs in hoods'
Hall - Marxist
Blackmuggers - media and politicians exaggerates muggers as folk devils - perpetuating racial stereotypes - created a moralpanic and linked race + crime
Used to distractsocietyfromeconomiccrisis
Becker - interactionist
Selffulfillingprophecy - labeling leads to masterstatus so accept deviant identity and career and join deviantsubcultures
Lemert - interactionist
label becomes masterstatus - mediaamplifies problem which causes more deviance - secondary deviance
Young - interactionist
Hippies - police hold stereotypes e.g dirty, scruffy - deviantnorms and values develop as they are made to feel different
Davis - functionalist
Crime as a safety valve - protectssociety from more dangerouscrimes being committed e.g prostitution
McRobbie & Garber
Women are socialised into a 'bedroom culture' that centres around indoor activities whilst boys are encouraged to play outside
Patriarchycontrolswomen in both public and private spheres which means they have lessopportunities to be involved in deviantsubcultures
Young males express their hegemonicmasculinity through criminalactivities
Crime flourishes in communities where 'brokenwindows' are left unrepaired as it signals that nobody is takingresponsibility for their environment.
'Brokenwindows' refer to signs of disorder and lack of concern for others - e.g. graffiti, vandalism
Clarke - Right Realist

The decision to commit crime is based on a rational calculation of the likely consequencesofbeingcaught e.g. balancing the rewards of theft against the consequences of being caught (prison)
Crime is increasing because the perceived costsofcrime are low - needs increased surveillance cameras
Lea & Young - LeftRealists 

Relativedeprivation, marginalisation, and subculture cause people to commit crimes
Relativedeprivation = subjective feeling of deprivation felt when comparing oneself to others - fuelled by media images that emphasiseconsumerism and create resentment in WC
Marginalisation = minorities feel abandoned and excluded by society, and lackpower economically, socially, and politically
Subculture = those who share a sense of deprivation and marginalisation develop subcultures
Snider - Marxist

Overemphasis on streetcrime to distract away from the whitecollar and corporatecrime that the bourgeoisiecommit
The upper class use agents of socialcontrol to constructlaws to control the working class
bourgeoisie control whats legal or illegal - they commit the same amount of crime but their power allows them to avoid prosecution
Chambliss - Marxist

Capitalism promotes 'criminogenic'values
Individualism and competition leads to stealing
Basing status on money leads to fraud
Oppression leads to public disorder and violence
CorporateCrimes -
BP - deepwater horizon
Johnson and Johnson - Talcum powder
Hebdige (Marxist) - Mods
wanted parentalfreedom - rebel from classsystem and factory working, 9-5 lives
dressed smartly as a statement of rebellion against parents generation
heavy social and party life - stand out above the crowd
Hebdige (Marxist) - Punks
resistance to law and unfair political system - antiestablishment and anticapitalism
pushlimit with police and cause disruption to the system
loud, aggressive genre of rock music - songs about destroying the system
Chambliss (Marxist) - Saints and Roughnecks
Saints - avoid being labelled 'deviant' as they were financiallystable and got good grades - barrier of not receiving punishment
Roughnecks - labelled as deviant as they are w/c and lackculturalcapital
LeftRealistSolutions to Crime -
Lea and Young - deprivation - increaseminimumwages
Neighborhood watch schemes - community cohesion
Closerlinks with police - reduce fear of crime
LeftRealism -
Restorative Justice - victims a chance to communicate with their offender to explain real impact, empowers victims
-The wolf within -implemented change
Murray (RightRealism) -
poorsocialistaion leads to a growingunderclass that develop a dependencyculture
blames over generouswelfarepayments for encouraginglaziness - single mothers
aggressivepolicing in minor and anti social crime e.g littering, vandalism, drugs, offences, begging, prostitution, graffiti
e.g maximum fine for littering
Gilroy - NeoMarxist
'culture of resistance' - defended themselves against racism but criminalised by the state
-victims of racialstereotyping and formal social control
Waddington - Interactionist
Canteenculture - police are institutionallyracist to ethnic minorities due to attitudes and values shown by police in their socialising - accepting it into their norm