
Cards (62)

  • Cicourel - interactionist
    Crime is socially constructed as police treatment is based on stereotypes - 'typical criminal' = black w/c male - labelling
  • Plummer - interactionist
    Crime + deviance = varied from time to time, place to place and culture to culture
    • situational deviance - okay in certain situations and places e.g smoking
    • societal deviance - breaks law/ deviant for society e.g murder
  • Box - Marxist
    Bourgeoisie have the power to socially construct what is and isn't a crime to benefit them
    Army commits avoidable crimes due to power e.g murder
  • Durkheim - Functionalist
    Boundary testing = deviance helps society evolve and progress e.g Women2Drive - 2011 then ban lifted in 2018
  • Durkheim - Functionalist
    Crime is inevitable as everyone has different norms and values (gender, age, ethnicity) = lack of value consensus + higher levels of anomie which increases crime as people have no connection to society
  • Durkheim - Functionalist
    Promotion of social cohesion - unified reaction from society e.g Manchester bombings - reinforces social solidarity + recommits people to value consensus
  • Durkheim - Functionalism
    Boundary reaffirming - media portrayal of crimes shows punishments which acts to reaffirm boundaries which maintains social order e.g Lucy Letby
  • Merton -Functionalist
    Strain theory - strain between societies goals and means to reach them = anomie
    Modes of adaption - retreatism = alcoholism + drug abuse
    -rebellion = new norms and values to create subcultures
  • Hirschi - functionalist
    4 controls :
    involvement, belief, commitment, attachment
    Lack of controls = no value consensus + social solidarity = higher levels of anomie and crime
  • Cohen - Functionalist
    Status frustration - teenage boys desire status and feel inferior to m/c boys so reject success goals of mainstream society and replace with illegitimate goals they can achieve = delinquent subcultures
  • Cloward and Ohlin -Functionalist
    Blocked opportunities - problems in achieving goals of mainstream culture so accept illegitimate means
    criminal subculture, conflict subculture, retreatist subculture
  • Miller - Functionalist
    Focal concerns - w/c boys dont try to gain academic success = anomie - toughness, smartness, excitement, fate, trouble
  • Murray - Functionalist/ New right
    Poor socialisation - deviant norms based on dependency cultures and encourages laziness - single mothers and absent fathers
  • Wilkins - Interactionist
    deviancy amplification spiral - primary deviance = alienation + labelling = increased societal reaction , secondary deviance = deviant career causes moral panic
  • Cohen - Interactionist
    Folk devils - Mods and rockers = threats to decent society and labelled as subversive and perverted - emphasise media and societal reaction
  • Fawbert- interactionist
    hoodies became a threat to society and a symbol of criminal behavior = labelling which increases a moral panic - 'thugs in hoods'
  • Hall - Marxist
    Black muggers - media and politicians exaggerates muggers as folk devils - perpetuating racial stereotypes - created a moral panic and linked race + crime
    Used to distract society from economic crisis
  • Becker - interactionist
    Self fulfilling prophecy - labeling leads to master status so accept deviant identity and career and join deviant subcultures
  • Lemert - interactionist
    label becomes master status - media amplifies problem which causes more deviance - secondary deviance
  • Young - interactionist
    Hippies - police hold stereotypes e.g dirty, scruffy - deviant norms and values develop as they are made to feel different
  • Davis - functionalist
    Crime as a safety valve - protects society from more dangerous crimes being committed e.g prostitution
  • McRobbie & Garber
    • Women are socialised into a 'bedroom culture' that centres around indoor activities whilst boys are encouraged to play outside
  • Heidenshon
    • Patriarchy controls women in both public and private spheres which means they have less opportunities to be involved in deviant subcultures
  • Messerschmidt
    • Young males express their hegemonic masculinity through criminal activities
    • Examples: drug dealer = breadwinner, violence = protector, sexism = dominance
  • Wilson & Kelling - Right Realist

    • Crime flourishes in communities where 'broken windows' are left unrepaired as it signals that nobody is taking responsibility for their environment.
    • 'Broken windows' refer to signs of disorder and lack of concern for others - e.g. graffiti, vandalism
  • Clarke - Right Realist

    • The decision to commit crime is based on a rational calculation of the likely consequences of being caught e.g. balancing the rewards of theft against the consequences of being caught (prison)
    • Crime is increasing because the perceived costs of crime are low - needs increased surveillance cameras
  • Lea & Young - Left Realists 

    Relative deprivation, marginalisation, and subculture cause people to commit crimes
    • Relative deprivation = subjective feeling of deprivation felt when comparing oneself to others - fuelled by media images that emphasise consumerism and create resentment in WC
    • Marginalisation = minorities feel abandoned and excluded by society, and lack power economically, socially, and politically
    • Subculture = those who share a sense of deprivation and marginalisation develop subcultures
  • Snider - Marxist

    • Overemphasis on street crime to distract away from the white collar and corporate crime that the bourgeoisie commit
    • The upper class use agents of social control to construct laws to control the working class
    • bourgeoisie control whats legal or illegal - they commit the same amount of crime but their power allows them to avoid prosecution
  • Chambliss - Marxist

    • Capitalism promotes 'criminogenic' values
    • Individualism and competition leads to stealing
    • Basing status on money leads to fraud
    • Oppression leads to public disorder and violence
  • Corporate Crimes -
    • BP - deepwater horizon
    • Johnson and Johnson - Talcum powder
  • Hebdige (Marxist) - Mods
    • wanted parental freedom - rebel from class system and factory working, 9-5 lives
    • dressed smartly as a statement of rebellion against parents generation
    • heavy social and party life - stand out above the crowd
  • Hebdige (Marxist) - Punks
    • resistance to law and unfair political system - anti establishment and anti capitalism
    • push limit with police and cause disruption to the system
    • loud, aggressive genre of rock music - songs about destroying the system
  • Chambliss (Marxist) - Saints and Roughnecks
    • Saints - avoid being labelled 'deviant' as they were financially stable and got good grades - barrier of not receiving punishment
    • Roughnecks - labelled as deviant as they are w/c and lack cultural capital
  • Left Realist Solutions to Crime -
    • Lea and Young - deprivation - increase minimum wages
    • Neighborhood watch schemes - community cohesion
    • Closer links with police - reduce fear of crime
  • Left Realism -
    Restorative Justice - victims a chance to communicate with their offender to explain real impact, empowers victims
    -The wolf within -implemented change
  • Murray (Right Realism) -
    • poor socialistaion leads to a growing underclass that develop a dependency culture
    • blames over generous welfare payments for encouraging laziness - single mothers
  • Clarke (Right Realism) - situational crime prevention
    • target hardening - make it harder to commit crimes
    • e.g more home security, more cctv, more guards
  • Zimbardo - zero tolerance policy
    • aggressive policing in minor and anti social crime e.g littering, vandalism, drugs, offences, begging, prostitution, graffiti
    • e.g maximum fine for littering
  • Gilroy - Neo Marxist
    'culture of resistance' - defended themselves against racism but criminalised by the state
    -victims of racial stereotyping and formal social control
  • Waddington - Interactionist
    • Canteen culture - police are institutionally racist to ethnic minorities due to attitudes and values shown by police in their socialising - accepting it into their norm