cognitive approach

Cards (5)

  • explain cognitive approach
    -in contrast to behaviourist approach, cognitive approach argues that internal model processes should be studied scientifically
    -investigated those areas neglected by behaviourists e.g thinking
    -these processes are private and cannot be observed so cognitive psychologists study them indirectly by making inferences abt what is going on inside ppl's minds on basis of their behaviour
  • define schema
    packages of information and ideas developed through experience. they act as a mental framework for the interpretation of incoming information received by the cognitive system.
  • what does schema help with
    -enables us to process lots of information quickly and this useful as a sort of mental shortcut that prevents us from being overwhelmed by environmental stimuli.
    -however schema may also distort our interpretations of sensory information, leading to perceptual errors.
  • describe theoretical computer models in cognitive approach
    -theoretical and computer models are used by cognitive psychologists to help them understand internal mental processes
    -1 important t.m is the information processing approach which suggests that info flows thru cognitive system in a sequence of stages based on the way that computers function
  • Give two assumptions of the cognitive approach.
    -mental processes can be regarded as information processing
    -mind operates a similar way to a computer
    -mental processes can be scientifically studied;