Levels of control that a business has over its environment
Environmental Scanning
Process of identifying threats before they are imminent, identifying possible opportunities and gaps in the market, and keeping track of competitors
Environmental Scanning
Done BEFORE business is started and DURING running of business
What we look at BEFORE starting a business
Viability of product
Strength of competitors
Size of potential market to allow new player in industry
Stability of resources such as suppliers, financiers, staff, premises and investors
Elements of the Micro Environment
Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives
Organisational Culture
Organisational Resources
Management and Leadership
Organisational Structure
Eight business functions
Techniques/Tools used in the Micro Environment
SWOT Analysis
Resource Based Approach
Value Chain Analysis
Balanced Scorecard
Elements of the Market Environment
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Community based organisations (CBOs)
Strategic Alliances
Other Organisations
Porter's Six Forces Model
Tool used to scan the Market Environment
Level of Rivalry
A business must know what their competitors are up to
Identifying an area where the competitor is successful may be an indicator of a threat to the business
Factors to review: size and financial resources of business, market share, quality of products/services, consumer brand loyalty, pricing of products/services, convenience of location and distribution channels, trading hours
Strategies to overcome/deal with above factors: customer loyalty programs, reduction of prices, improve quality of service and products
Threat of new entrants
An existing business will see any new entrant as a threat to its market share and profits
Strategies to build barriers/prevent new businesses from entering: big retailers negotiating with mall management, registering a patent, spending large sums on advertising and promotions, government imposing tax on imported goods
Availability of Substitute Products
Does NOT refer to another brand, but a different product that satisfies the same need
Increasing availability of substitute products generates more indirect competition
Power of Suppliers
Ability of suppliers to dictate prices
Critical for business to develop and maintain relations with suppliers
No raw material = no sales = no profit
No raw material = inefficient use of machinery and labour
Stockout = Loss of competitive edge
No stock = customer frustration= bad publicity = decrease in sales = decrease in profits
Power of Buyers
Ability of buyers to dictate prices
Factors to consider: type of product/service, consumer brand loyalty, price sensitivity, snob-value
Power of Complementary products
Complementary product is where the use of one product is interrelated with the use of another
A business can use this to their advantage by having specials on complementary products
P₂E₂STEL Analysis
Physical Environment
Economic Factors
Ethical Factors
Social /Socio-Economic factors
Technological Factors
Environmental factors
Legal Environment
Political Factors
Likelihood of government interference in economic functioning, political stability, government policies, political ties with other countries