Cards (79)

  • Body growth and change
    slow, consistent growth
  • Proportional changes 

    most pronounced physical changes in middle and late childhood
  • Brain
    total brain volume stabilizes by the end of late childhood
  • Prefrontal cortex
    continue to increase during mid to late childhood
  • Advances in the prefrontal cortex

    children's improved attention, reasoning, cognitive control
  • Cortical thickness

    thickness of the cerebral cortex
  • Physical change @ 7
    hands have become steadier
  • Physical change @ 8 - 10
    the hands can be used independently with more ease and precision
  • Physical changes @ 10 -12
    children begin to show manipulative skills similar to the abilities of adults
  • Aerobic exercise
    benefit's speed, attention, memory, effortful, goal-directed thinking, behavior, creativity
  • Sustained physical activity
    improves children's attention, executive function, and academic achievement
  • Screen time - low activity, obesity, worse sleep patterns in children
  • Accidents and injuries
    leading cause of death during middle and late childhood
  • Overweight
    increasingly prevalent health problem in children
  • Leukemia - most common cancer in children
  • Learning disabilities
    difficulty in learning that involves understanding or using spoken or written language and can also appear in listening, thinking, reading, writing, and spelling
  • Learning disabilities
    difficulties integrating information from multiple brain regions or subtle impairments in brain structures and functions
  • Dyslexia
    severe impairment in their ability to read and spell
  • Dysgraphia
    involves difficulty in handwriting
  • Dyscalculia
    difficulty in math computation
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - children diagnosed have an increased risk of lower academic achievement, problematic peer relations, school dropout, adolescent pregnancy, substance use problems, and antisocial behavior
  • Emotional and behavioral disorders

    consists of serious, persistent problems that involve relationship, aggression, depression, and fears
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD or Pervasive Developmental Disorders) - problems in social interaction, in verbal and nonverbal communication, and in repetitive behaviors
  • ASD
    show atypical responses to sensory experiences
  • Autistic disorder 

    has its onset in the first three years of life and includes deficiencies in social relationships, abnormalities in communication, restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior
  • Asperger syndrome - relative mild autism spectrum disorder in which the child has relative good verbal language skills, milder nonverbal language problems, and a restricted range of interests and relationships
  • ASD
    deficits in cognitive processing of information ; intellectual disability in others show average of above-average intelligence
  • Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory
    preschool child's thought is preoperational ; they can form stable concepts but their thinking is flawed be egocentrism and magical belief system
  • Concrete Operational Stage 

    lasts from 7 - 11 yrs old ; children can perform concrete operations and can reason logically
  • Operations
    mental actions that are reversible
  • Concrete Operations
    operations that are applied to real, concrete objects
  • Concrete operational stage
    ability to classify or divide things into different sets or subsets and to consider their interrelationships
  • Information Processing
    children dramatically improve their ability to sustain and control attention ; they pay more attention to task- relevant stimuli
  • Information Processing
    changes involve memory, thinking, metacognition, and executive function
  • Long-term memory - relatively permanent and unlimited type of memory ; children's increased knowledge and their use of strategies
  • Working memory
    mental "workbench" ; where individuals manipulate and assemble information when they make decisions
  • Working memory
    bringing information to mind and mentally working with or updating it
  • Thinking
    three important aspects - executive function, critical thinking, and creative thinking
  • Self-control / inhibition - allow them to concentrate and persist on learning task to inhibit their tendencies to repeat incorrect responses
  • Executive function 

    Self-control/ inhibition, Working memory, Flexibility