Describe and explain each of the four optimum conditions needed for photosynthesis
High light intensity of a certain Wavelength
- Light is needed to provide the energy for the light-dependant reaction, higher intensity, the more the energy provided.
- Certain wavelengths of light are used for photosynthesis, photosynthetic pigments ( chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotene ) only absorb the red and blue light in sunlight.
Temperature generally around 25C
- Photosynthesis involves enzymes, if temperature falls under 10C they become inactive, Above 45C they denature.
-Stomata also close at high temperature to avoid losing to much water, causing photosynthesis to slow down as less CO2 enters the leaf when the stomata are closed.
Carbon dioxide at 0.4% concentration
- 0.04% of CO2 makes up the atmosphere, increasing concentration to 0.4% increases rate of photosynthesis, but any higher will cause stomata to close.
- To little water and photosynthesis will stop but too much will cause the solid to become waterlogged, reducing uptake of minerals needed to make e.g. chlorophyll a