
Cards (19)

  • RISC Processors

    Processors with a small instruction set, where each instruction is approximately one line of machine code and takes one clock cycle
  • CISC Processors
    Processors with a large instruction set, where the aim is to accomplish tasks in as few lines of assembly code as possible
  • RISC vs CISC
    RISC: Compiler has to do more work to translate high level code into machine code, more RAM required to store code, pipelining possible since each instruction takes one clock cycle
    CISC: Compiler has less work to translate high level code into machine code, less RAM required since code is shorter, many specialised instructions are made even though only a few are used
  • Multi-core CPUs

    Have multiple independent cores that can complete instructions separately, resulting in higher performance
  • Parallel Systems
    Can complete tasks with a single core by using threading
  • Multi-core vs Parallel Systems
    Multi-core systems generally perform better in larger projects than parallel systems
  • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
    A device with lots of independent processors that work in parallel, making it very efficient at completing repetitive tasks such as image processing and machine learning. GPUs are a type of co-processor (a secondary processor designed to supplement the activities of the primary processor).
  • Threading

  • A technique where a single core or processor executes multiple threads (sequences of instructions) concurrently.
  • Scalability

  • The ability of a system to adapt to changing demands by increasing its capacity.
  • Flexibility

  • The ability of a system to adapt to changing situations and be easily modified to suit different needs.
  • Parallel Systems

  • Multiple computing systems or processors that work together to perform tasks concurrently.
  • Thread
    A flow of execution within a process, sharing the same memory space
  • Thread Scheduling
    The process of allocating CPU time to threads, ensuring fair allocation
  • Context Switching
    The process of saving the context of the previous thread and loading the context of the new thread
  • Thread Limitations
    Threading can lead to issues like context switching overhead, synchronization challenges, and debugging complexities